Issue #243: The Healthcare Digital Transformation Leader Weekly Newsletter
Damo Consulting Inc.
Digital transformation advisory services to enable healthcare organizations navigate the technology-enabled transitions.
Editor’s note
The Damo Consulting research and insights team brings you this weekly newsletter. You can subscribe to receive it directly in your inbox on Mondays.
Digital Health in the News
The provider group acquired a practice with a different electronic health record. Today, everyone "speaks the same language," staff satisfaction is way up, operational costs are down – and it's launching new services such as self-check-in. Healthcare IT News
Physicians have become accustomed to taking medical notes during patient visits, which often requires focusing on a computer screen. Using technology like DAX Copilot requires doctors to change their behavior and conversational style, noted UNC Health CIO Brent Lamm. FIERCE Healthcare?
Cleveland Clinic is exploring the use of artificial intelligence in patient-caregiver interactions as buzz around the technology continues to grow in healthcare. Modern Healthcare
These developing issues should be on every leader’s radar screen, data executives say. MIT Sloan Management Review
This Week in The Big Unlock Podcast
In this episode, Vineela Yannamreddy, CIO of United Medical Center (UMC), a Not-for-Profit Hospital Corporation (NFPHC) serving Southeast DC and surrounding Maryland communities, discusses the thought process behind the successful implementation of over 200 applications at UMC over a span of six years, transforming the EHR, and bridging the legacy systems with contemporary solutions to make them functional. Listen now.
Shorts 1: The thought process behind digital transformation changes at UMC.
Insights and Research
A key finding of the study is that there is a direct correlation between empathetic counseling and enhanced patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes. And, AI can actually help to enhance the connection between therapists and patients. FIERCE Healthcare ?
While burnout rates show a slight decline, they remain above pre-pandemic levels. Physicians highlight workload control, while nurses grapple with staffing issues. EHR inefficiencies exacerbate burnout, but the report offers hope, emphasizing the positive impact of trustful collaborations. DistilINFO Health IT
Chart of the Week?
Damo Thought Leadership and Media Mentions
In this episode of EDTalks, Ed Marx and Ritu M. Uberoy talk about how BigRio has taken DAMO to next level and this update is one great example.?
Other Stuff We’re Reading
U.S. employers have struggled to curb soaring health care costs. But there is an approach that could help them: involve workers in the design and implementation of health care benefits. There is a model that proves this approach can work: Taft-Hartley health plans, which arise out of collective bargaining, have succeeded in engaging employees and delivering efficient care. HBR
Adoption of value-based care has been slower in rural communities. With many rural providers struggling to even stay afloat, it can be difficult to switch to value-based care, according to one healthcare executive. MedCity News
Digital Health Funding and M&A
Price transparency data startup Turquoise Health clinched $30 million in fresh funding to build out its capabilities. FIERCE Healthcare?
Hospitals weathered one of their most challenging years in 2022, with median operating margins staying in the red throughout most of the year. Those money problems proved to be a major factor shaping last year’s M&A transactions — financial pressures influenced 28% of hospital M&A deals last year, up from 15% in 2022, a new report showed. MedCity News