Issue #21
Sebastian Flock
Digitale Innovationen, profitable Gesch?ftsmodelle & neue Marktchancen. | Spezialgebiete: Handel, Mobilit?t, Telekommunikation & Automotive.
Hi! This is 'Super Diffusion' again…
This week I won't be writing about the already widely shared and discussed video of the privileged right-wing Richkids on Sylt. This much from me at this point: I detest this social trend and distance myself from it in the deepest possible way.
Meanwhile, my heart beats for the video response to this from Berlin. #deutschlandistmulti
So please and as every week: Like it, share it & and make it come to life — Super Diffusion!
?? The biiig gooooood battery
China continues to make progress: The Chinese energy company China Southwestern Power Grid has commissioned what is probably the first large-scale battery storage station based on low-cost sodium-ion technology. The system can store 10 MWh of energy.
Let someone say again that we can't do anything here in Germany if China doesn't follow suit.
?? Supporting fussil fuels – really?!?
At the same time, you really have to grab your head when you look at Florida. Here, the governor simply doesn't seem to have heard the shot. He recently signed a law that severely restricts references to climate change and promotes fossil fuels.
?? A shamefull poll in so many dimensions
The ‘Volksverpetzer’ has a wonderful summary of the CDU's supposedly hacked survey on the 2035 ban on combustion engines for us. Here, too, one wonders about the future viability of a government in which this party will supposedly be the strongest force. Both digitally inept and backward-looking in its political endeavours.
#sadbuttrue #cdu
?? The positive power of sustainable transformation
The more companies change, the more sustainable they become. This is the result of a representative survey of 500 managing directors and sustainability officers of German companies conducted by the Bertelsmann Stiftung in collaboration with ESCP Business School.
What does this teach us: you just have to start.
?? Regenerativ & Digital
And then a little podcast tip on our own behalf: in the latest episode of ‘Regenerative & Digital’, David and I talk to Simon Berkler and Ella Lagé from TheDive on their recently published book, the ‘Stellar Approach’. Using their method, teams and organisations can make themselves fit to transform their business model in a regenerative way.
And now it‘s on you — make ?super diffusion‘ come to live! Share some links and/ or the whole issue. Make your friends become follower.
Digitale Innovationen, profitable Gesch?ftsmodelle & neue Marktchancen. | Spezialgebiete: Handel, Mobilit?t, Telekommunikation & Automotive.
9 个月…the way to my Substack