Issue 17 | September 2023
Do you want to grow your business, innovate, drive efficiencies, and/or create new revenue streams? Of course, you do! Well data is the starting point…and this is the only data-focused roundup you’ll ever need!?
In this issue, I’m going to share a few new things with you…hot off the press…just for you ever so lucky readers.?
After six years of DATA3 being all different shades of my favourite colour blue…we’ve rebranded. To recognise that the business is no longer all about me, here are some facts…?
Phew! It’s been a rollercoaster ride, that’s for sure. But, thankfully for everyone, long gone are the days when I was involved in everything, made decisions on everything and knew everything that was going on in our business. So, it’s well overdue but please let me introduce you to our amazing UK leadership team who, for the last 6+ months, have been taking the business from strength-to-strength and driving our growth faster than ever before:?
And there's me on sales...
All supported by an amazing group of data consultants, data architects, data engineers, data analysts, and data visualisers as well as our operations/marketing teams. Plus there's the team at DATA3 Aotearoa and the team at DATA3 Central Europe.?
I meet business leaders all the time and sometimes my experience chatting with them about data can feel like a confessional…?
Sometimes they’re right…sometimes their data is the worst we’ve ever seen!? Often it’s not. Often it’s the same level of data disconnection and the same amount of manual processing that you’d see in most organisations.?
So, we’ve refreshed our Data Transformation curve to help our clients understand three things…?
We use this to define a super clear vision for their organisation and to define exactly what great looks like. Then we develop a fully-costed implementation plan to achieve their vision.?
Want to know where your organisation is on the Data Transformation curve? Of course you do. Drop me a line at [email protected]??
Building on our Data Transformation curve, our super clever team in DATA3 Aotearoa have come up with our new Data Maturity Assessment. This is a next-level assessment of an organisation’s data situation across 6 dimensions:?
We use a combination of facilitated workshops and data reviews to calculate a score for each dimension, which combines into an ultimate score for each organisation. We can then work with the organisation to understand what score they’d like to achieve within a defined timescale, and then create the plan.?
?And you even get a badge at the end!?
Want a Data Maturity Assessment, your personalised score and even a badge?! Of course you do. Drop me a line at [email protected]??
Thank you for reading…I’ll be back soon with more data news.
Remember…if you’re in data hell, I’m data Hels!
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Here’s what the DATA3 team do on a sunny pre-autumn evening…