Issue 10: Relationships, Cursive Writing, Automation, and Pumpkin Spice Cream Cheese

Issue 10: Relationships, Cursive Writing, Automation, and Pumpkin Spice Cream Cheese

Welcome to THE EDGE!

It’s always a sad day when I have to switch from wearing shorts to long pants. Alas, we’ve hit that mark in Ohio. It’s currently 47 degrees. Farewell, carefree warm days!

This past week has found me pondering something I’ve wrestled with for over a year, now: why some business owners can’t seem to write and publish a book although they say they want to do it. You can find my thoughts in “The Sharper Edge,” which includes a link to Cal Newport’s fascinating article about elite violinists.

You can still read my apology to those who want to write a book, here. It relates to my changing perspective on book coaching.

If you’re searching for a book coach or ghostwriter, I encourage you to read the “Apology Letter.” Think long and hard before making the decision to write a book. It just may save you hours of anguish in the end.

In The Leading Edge, I talk about how to build authority by seeking out networking events. There are a lot of good ideas to help you make the most of your connections.

In The Sharper Edge, I talk about the one area that I believe enables a person to stick to writing and publishing a lead-generation book.

And in The Cutting Edge, I talk about a platform that automates your social media updates and share my process for re-purposing and promoting my blog posts.

Finally… I feature one of my favorite fall recipes. Yes. I confess… I’m a Pumpkin Spice Girl. ?This recipe is delicious spread on a Pumpkin Spice bagel but would work on either a plain bagel or cinnamon bread. Mmm…. Cinnamon toast…

My mission is to not over-complicate things. You have enough on your plate without a dense newsletter that will give you heavy marketing lessons that will take a long time to comprehend let alone implement.

This newsletter is divided into four parts:

The Leading Edge: Focusing on YOU, leadership & authority building

The Sharper Edge: Focusing on your business, sharpening the axe to get things done

The Cutting Edge: Focusing on your environment, productivity tools/hacks, and de cluttering your space

The Italian Edge: I’m a foodie. I’ll be sharing some of my favorite recipes and food-related items in this section.

Congratulations on filling your tank. You’re going to receive a lot of good ideas for free!

NEW Podcast Episode:

Episode 4: Building Credibility – The Path for New Independent Financial Advisors

For independent financial advisors, especially those new to the industry, building credibility can be an uphill battle. Clients often seek advisors with a track record and established reputation. However, every advisor starts somewhere, and there are effective ways to earn trust right from the beginning.

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Building Authority Through Networking and Relationships

Small businesses have to be scrappy—like the main character in The Little Engine That Could.

You probably don’t have a large marketing team or PR agency getting you exposure. So… what can you do?

Building authority is a crucial step towards success and recognition. Networking and building relationships can play a pivotal role in establishing that authority. I’m going to talk about how you can effectively build authority by connecting with peers, industry leaders, potential mentors—and by attending industry events, joining associations, engaging on social media platforms, and collaborating on projects or initiatives.

Here we go…

Connecting with Peers, Industry Leaders, and Potential Mentors

I’ve been trying to get out of my cave every once in a while, to network. As a writer, I’m naturally introverted but can hold my own in a crowded room.

But I realize that connecting with peers, industry leaders, and potential mentors is a powerful way to build authority in my field. The same applies to you.

You want to seek out local and industry-specific networking events, such as conferences, meetups, and workshops. These events provide an opportunity to meet and connect with like-minded professionals.

Once you start connecting, you’ll want to leverage platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and industry-specific forums. They’re excellent for connecting with peers and leaders. Share valuable content, comment on their posts, and engage in meaningful conversations.

Make sure to join industry-specific associations and organizations. They can facilitate connections with fellow professionals. Attend their events, conferences, and webinars to network effectively.

For many business owners, this is their “secret weapon.” Attending associations and organizations that attract your prospects serves as a great way to conduct market research plus make important connections.

If you’re reaching out to industry leaders or potential mentors, be clear about your goals and intentions. For instance, explain how their expertise or guidance can benefit your business.

And don’t forget to engage in online communities and forums relevant to your industry. Share your insights, answer questions, and establish yourself as a valuable contributor. The more people see your name, the more often you’ll appear to them as someone “in the know.”

Attending Industry Events and Conferences

A few months ago, I attended a conference for content creators. I didn’t particularly want to go, to be honest. I cherish my time at home with my husband but also realize that in order to meet my goals, I needed to attend.

As a result, I learned so much, met some great people, and made an important connection, which I believe is leading to building my own authority.

Industry events and conferences provide a unique opportunity. Select events that align with your business goals and target audience. Research the agenda and speakers to ensure they're relevant to your industry.

You also want to prepare. Set clear objectives for what you want to achieve at the event. Plan questions to ask, topics to discuss, and potential contacts to meet. Once you’re there, engage with other attendees, speakers, and exhibitors. These are fantastic opportunities to foster connections.

Joining Associations and Engaging on Social Media Platforms

Associations and social media platforms can be valuable tools when you’re looking to establish your authority. You want to join a relevant association that caters to your industry. Being a member not only offers networking opportunities but also showcases your commitment to your field.

Consistently show up on social media. You want to maintain an active presence on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Looking for posting ideas? Share industry news, and your expertise, and engage with your audience.

Regularly create and share valuable content, such as blog posts, articles, videos, or infographics. This establishes you as a thought leader and an industry expert. And finally, for all my fellow introverts, you can participate in industry-related chats, discussions, and forums on social media. Offer insights, answer questions, and share your expertise. No need to leave home!

Collaborating on Projects or Initiatives

Collaboration with others in your field can elevate your expertise and build authority in several ways. You can partner with other small businesses or professionals on projects, campaigns, or product launches. The combined effort can expand your reach and credibility.

Another great way to make the most out of a new connection is to participate in webinars, podcasts, or panel discussions with those who are industry experts. This allows you to showcase your knowledge to a broader audience.

Enjoy writing? Collaboratively write articles or reports with industry peers. Sharing authorship with established figures can enhance your reputation. Remember, it’s a win-win for them, too. They’re getting the benefit of your expertise.

When you take the lead or actively participate in industry initiatives, such as standards committees, it demonstrates your commitment to advancing your profession’s growth.

Networking and building relationships are invaluable tools for building authority in your professional circles. By actively pursuing these strategies, you can not only enhance your authority but also open doors to new opportunities and partnerships that can benefit your small business.

Remember, building authority is a journey that requires consistent effort and genuine connections with others in your field. It does take time but, in the end, is worth it.

The Surprising Secret to Becoming an Elite Player

Lately, I’ve been thinking about why some business owners can’t seem to finish writing a book and publishing it—despite their genuine desire to do so.

It isn’t because they don’t know enough to write a book. They’re accomplished and skilled at their work.

I used to think it was because of fear and the “head trash” that often prevented them from tackling the job of writing.

Now I think it may be something different.

It has to do with cursive writing.

If you’re of a certain age, you remember when you were in grade school learning how to write in longhand, otherwise known as cursive writing.

You likely were graded on your penmanship skills. The teacher would point out your errors such as the “d” looking more like an “a” and how you needed to improve that.

What did practicing cursive writing do for a young child’s mind?

It instilled an appreciation for focused effort.

The ability to focus was developed through such writing exercises. Eventually, the child learned how to write longhand so that the writing was legible.

In Cal Newport’s article, If You’re Busy, You’re Doing Something Wrong: The Surprisingly Relaxed Lives of Elite Achievers, he talks about researchers evaluating violinists at a German arts academy.

They wanted to determine what differentiated the elite violinists from average violinists.

It turned out that both groups spent the same amount of time each day practicing. But the elite violinists did something different. From the article:

"We can start by disproving the assumption that elite players dedicate more hours to music. The time diaries revealed that both groups spent, on average, the same number of hours on music per week (around 50).

The difference was in how they spent this time. The elite players were spending almost three times more hours than the average players on deliberate practice — the uncomfortable, methodical work of stretching your ability."

In other words, the elite violinists took on the strenuous task of perfecting the basics.

They also divided their practice time into two separate periods in the day. Three and a half hours were divided into a morning practice session and then into an afternoon practice session.

The daily time was set in stone. Those who were elite never deviated from their schedule. After their practice sessions were finished, they went on to enjoy the rest of the day. An interesting note: the elite players also slept one more hour during the night than the average players.

Cal makes the distinction between “hard work” and “hard to do work.”

The elite violinists were dedicated to doing the “hard work.”

Read the article. I hope it motivates you as it did me.

Writing a book is hard work. But if it’s approached with the same discipline as an elite violinist, it will get done and eventually published.

It all hangs on the business owner’s ability to focus on doing the hard work.

Automate Your Content Distribution

After you create your content, whether it’s a blog post, podcast, or video, you will then need to promote it.

I’m no different than you. It’s a challenge to keep up with all the online platforms that distribute your content. My two main platforms are LinkedIn and Twitter.

I use Buffer to schedule my X updates (formerly “tweets”). But I’m considering using Meet Edgar to automatically send updates from my various online content sources. The advantage of Meet Edgar is that it keeps your content links in a library so you can re-post the content again and again.

As an example of how I re-purpose and promote my content, I’ll use one of my blog posts.

1) I create and publish the blog post

2) I use Jasper AI to create X updates from the blog post content

3) I choose the best updates (usually between 10 – 19), slightly edit them, then I enter those updates into a spreadsheet and save it as a CSV file.

4) Using Canva’s “Bulk Create” option, I choose an Instagram template, add my logo and name, and then upload the CSV file. I click “Bulk Create” and in seconds, Canva automatically enters the updates into that template style, giving me 10 – 19 separate images I can use on LinkedIn, X, and Instagram.

Create once, then promote that content in as many ways as possible. Have you found an automation process you love? Leave a comment below!

Pumpkin Spice Cream Cheese Spread

I can’t help it. I’m one of “them.”

“Them” is a person obsessed with all things Pumpkin Spiced.

So, yes, I overspent at Trader Joe’s to snag a bunch of Pumpkin Spice items. However, there is one recipe I discovered that makes any Pumpkin Spice bagel doubly delicious.

Pumpkin Spice Cream Cheese Spread!

I found this one on the recipe site, Pinch My Salt.

The recipe is quick to pull together. The hardest thing about it is waiting for it to chill for one hour in the fridge before smearing it on your favorite bagel. :-)

Here’s the recipe:

Pumpkin Spice Cream Cheese Spread


  • 4 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup canned pumpkin
  • 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. In a small bowl, beat softened cream cheese, sugar, and syrup until smooth and creamy.
  2. Add pumpkin, spices and vanilla and beat til smooth.
  3. Refrigerate for at least an hour.


So good!

Buon Appetito!



The Content Edge

Blog Posts:

Connect for Success: The Invaluable Partnership Between Financial Advisors and CPAs

The Power of Thought Leadership Through Publications

10 Ways to Build Authority With This Forgotten Childhood Tactic


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Want to go beyond hunting for the latest marketing "shiny object?" Join us for thought-provoking, idea-generating weekly emails on Mondays and Fridays. We explore deep marketing principles that will make a difference for your business.

The DEEP MARKETING Private Email School


If you're ready to write and publish your own book, check out my "BOOK It!" Home Study Program. Fall is a great time to slow down and focus on writing down your expertise. Reach out to me if you have questions.


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