Issue 10: The Disappearing Investor Issue
Hello to Our Readers
Welcome to the tenth issue of Reflecting on Venturing, the Disappearing Investor Issue.
If you enjoy what we share here, please forward this to a friend, a colleague, or a business partner.? If you think it is a waste of time, please forward it to a competitor.
If you are interested in investing in emerging markets companies with small to medium ticket sizes and an accredited investor (usually net worth excluding primary residence of over USD 1MM or annual income for each of the last two years of over USD 200K) then please email [email protected].
You Should Read This
The Disappearing Investor
Great Advice on What to Put in a Data Room
How Plaid Works
The Future of Construction Supply Chain
We Disagree with Stonks
History Doesn't Repeat… But It Rhymes
Investee News
MEDZnMORE is hiring!
Dastgyr is 2
Its Birthday Season, as Cake ( Turns a Year Older
Happy Birthday Truck It In
We Have Recently Started Learning Piano
We are practicing this light little piece.? If you annoy us sufficiently we will play it for you.
For the Insane Psychopath Technogeek Cultrophile In Your Christmas List
In 2021 This Could Have Been Real, But 2021 Was So Long Ago
M&A To Avoid Spending Time With Your Kids
The discussions that led to Sam Bankman-Fried buying 30% of Skybridge Capital started in part so Anthony Scaramucci could avoid going to a water park with his kids.
Anthony Scaramucci said the FTX transaction was decided over a two-hour lunch at a hotel in the Bahamas, where Bankman-Fried is based. Scaramucci was with his family on a Disney cruise that had docked in the islands. He said he proposed lunch to discuss the possibility of a partnership — as well as to avoid going to a water park with his children. He was initially looking to sell just 15 per cent of his fund group.
Someone is sleeping on the sofa tonight…
The Market is a Zoo
Lose Money in the Markets, Then Fight with Your Spouse?
Stock returns during the week are negatively associated with the reported incidence of domestic violence during the weekend. This relationship is primarily driven by negative returns. The incidence of domestic violence increases with the magnitude of losses, and the effect increases with local stock market participation. Our findings suggest that negative wealth shocks caused by stock market crashes can affect stress levels within intimate relationships, escalate arguments, and trigger domestic violence.
But Keith Richards May Live to See One!
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We Get Pitches that are Worse Than This
Sony, You OK?
Maybe someone played “Faerie’s Aire and Death Waltz” for them?
Yes, Padawan
You Meet Such Interesting People on Tinder!
A Last Word
Reflect Ventures helps accredited investors build diversified emerging markets startup portfolios with small or medium sized tickets.??
We invest in B2B and B2B2C startups focusing on logistics, supply chain, and distribution - areas that are big enough to produce big companies in a single geographic market.? We identify attractive verticals that are likely to be oligopolies or monopolies, determine the business model that we believe will succeed in each vertical, and then invest in companies executing that model in different markets.
If you are an accredited investor (usually net worth excluding primary residence of over USD 1MM or annual income for each of the last two years of over USD 200K) and interested in investing with us then please email [email protected].
If you are looking for investment, please look at our one pager.? If you think you match our criteria, please contact us at [email protected].