Issue 10 | It All Comes Back to the Heart

Issue 10 | It All Comes Back to the Heart

I recently saw an ad about a platform offering AI-generated podcasts, and I thought, why would I want to listen to AI? Aren’t we choosing to listen to someone we resonate with??

Nowadays, we’ve got AI generated ads, AI books, AI podcasts, AI-enriched job resumes & applications, AI TV hosts etc. all the way to AI girlfriends / boyfriends and AI-operated drones with the ability to efficiently neutralise their “targets”. Am I the only one worried about this??

I have to admit, I used to be very passionate about using technology (including machine learning) to make things more efficient and practical. Technology has this wonderful side to it, you know, the one that allows us to be more inclusive as a society and is able to personalise to each of our individuality.?

But at the same time, technology seems to be moving us in a direction that’s a little concerning to me. Like when the scientific and tech community becomes overly competitive and celebrates accelerated progress without using any moral compass for its implications on humanity.?

“We are about to give our humanness away to the technology before we even know what it means to be human.” - Gregg Braden, 2024

For those of us not directly involved in the development of programmable or even self-conscious AI nor part of the transhumanist movement, an important question arises:??

  • How do we navigate this new world??

We are already in a so-called trust recession where the trust gap between firms and their consumers keeps growing. And I suspect that the use of AI will only widen this gap.?

So, how do we trust? How do we know what’s right for us??How do we find what we are looking for?

Ever used the phrase, “this resonates with me”or “this rings true for me”??

As humans, we are made up of about 40 trillion cells - living, sentient beings. Essentially, we are a complex network of electro-magnetic circuits and vibrations. Our heart, with its 40,000 neurons, emits signals and communicates to the brain. Did you know that the heart’s electro-magnet field is 1,000 times stronger than the brain’s?

What I’m trying to say is that the vibrations of our body, the unique frequency of our voice, and the energetic field we emit are the tools we use to navigate the world around us. It’s how we find and connect with each other amongst millions of other people, and it’s how we build trust and know what’s in alignment with us.?Our ability to emanate frequencies is what makes us human.

Unfortunately, many of us are unknowingly walking around with a wounded or closed heart disconnected from the wisdom of our body. Our signal is weakened, distorted or unintentional.

I strongly believe, our intuition (and higher guidance) is always whispering to us. It’s what helps us differentiate between a genuine offer and a sneaky attempt to deceive. It’s how we know we are being lied to. Many of us, however, have learned to ignore these subtle nudges unless they make logical, rational sense for the mind to accept.?I've been there, and I am still reconnecting.

The time I closed my heart

In the past couple of months, I was going through an Intensive Programme as part of my maturation training. The theme or topic that revealed itself was my asthma once again. For those of you who read my previous newsletters (#3 & #4), you may remember me sharing that “I would looove to tell you that I USED TO HAVE asthma …”.?

Well, I am still asthmatic but I am experiencing a very powerful shift since the programme.?

Many of us can recall certain events from our childhood. Perhaps a scene where mom was angry or dad didn’t pay attention. We are able to tell a story about what happened. What we often don’t recall, though, is our actual experience. At least not until we consciously reconnect with it.

Your mind might not remember but your body always does.

It doesn’t really matter what my mom did or didn’t do. Whether she attempted to protect me by withholding the asthma inhaler out of fear I would become addicted to it. It doesn’t matter that my dad was in the other room thinking there is nothing he can do to help.?

What mattered was my repeated experience as a 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-year old feeling the tightness in my chest, unable to relax and fall asleep, unable to get immediate relief, and fearing I ain’t going to make it. It mattered how I personally experienced it. Not how I nowadays tell the story or whether my parents acted with good intentions.?

As a young child, I experienced the two people who I expected to protect me as not protecting me.?

When I reconnected to my childhood experience from a conscious place, I became aware of?

  • my thoughts at the time: “I am not going to make it”, “I can’t even get my most basic needs met: air”;?
  • my feelings at the time: disappointment, abandonment, terror - I am on my own, there is no one that can help me breathe but me;?
  • my body sensations at the time: tense upper body, a holding on until relief, and a closing of my heart.?

I felt so disappointed in my experience of life I closed my heart! I could feel the coldness and the closing in as part of my "flash back".

My childhood experience wasn’t just a story but a pattern lodged in my BodyMind for many years without me knowing. It was so subtle, barely visible, and yet this pattern has showed up repeatedly throughout my life. As I like to say, I don't have a story but the story has me.?

This pattern got activated again recently when I was intensively looking for a new home. If you have ever looked for an affordable apartment in London over the past few years, you probably already have a sense of how hard it is. And I had the additional challenge of running out of time, not having any valuable UK references, and my cat moving with me.?

But crucially, my childhood experience was right there with me in my BodyMind. I could hear my mind thinking “I’m not going to make it”; I could feel the feeling of abandonment despite my partner supporting me like never before; and I had a hard time relaxing and enjoying the search despite having a plan B.?

It’s when I realised, I don’t just have asthma but I am being asthmatic. My childhood experience has become a way of being. It gives me what I see, what I feel, and what actions I take. It reduces my world to the one of a 5-year old. I couldn’t perceive all the possibilities that an adult would have in this situation.??

Until, of course, I brought consciousness to this pattern and allowed myself to be with it, to observe it without trying to get out of it.??

The funny thing is, when we become present to the experience that is happening now, the pattern tends to loosen its grip on us. The energy of the past starts to move through us. It transmutes and transforms.?

When it loosened, I suddenly found a new resource, felt the courage to negotiate, received even more unexpected support, and as I surrendered, I received a text message to inform me that the owner had accepted my offer and the apartment I wanted was mine!?

I am moving next week!???


If you'd like to chat about any of what I've shared in this newsletter, get in touch!

I appreciate your time reading ??

With love,


Besos (Kisses)


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