Issue 1: WHY are you joining a board?
In this issue:
Congratulations Carnaby Grads!
We have had so much good news from our alumni lately about their recent board appointments. Here are just a few highlights. Congratulations to all our grads on their recent board roles!
Suzanne's Tip: What is your WHY for joining a board?
You need to know your WHY before you embark on a board career.
Here are some questions to consider:
1. What do want to give as a board director? For example, do you want to contribute to a cause you are passionate about? Do you want to share your skills in new commercial settings?
2. What do you want to gain as a board director? It won't always be remuneration! What will continue to motivate you as you add board duties to your busy schedule?
3. What? will the role require of you in terms of time, engagement, duty? A modern board director's role is multi-faceted and you need to have a good understanding of what is required before you commit.
Getting clear on your WHY is the first step to a rewarding board career.
A clear sense of direction and understanding of the purpose of embarking on a board director journey will set you up for success.
We start from this place in Carnaby's Director OnBoard Program. We are currently taking registrations for the March cohort.
Upcoming Events
Carnaby Director OnBoard Program Information Night: Wednesday 26th February
March Program: March 18 and 25, April 1 and 8
Limited places - Enquire here or get in touch with us directly.