Issue #1: The Tech Hub is Buzzing - What are the News?
Progress Telerik and Kendo UI
UI for JS & .NET to make your dev life easier. Added bonus: testing, debugging, reporting solutions & more. Let's chat!
Welcome to The TechRel Hub!
A place where the TechRel team at Progress (and a few other responsible faces, yes you know who you are) will share their favorite blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts, books, thoughts, and more!
We'll also be bringing you the best pieces from the Telerik blog every week: How To's, Thought Leadership, Productivity, Design, .NET, JavaScript, AI, A11y, but also spotlight pieces we love from the community!
We hope that you find nuggets of wisdom, inspiration, and knowledge in this newsletter. And if you end up enjoying it, Subscribe to stay tuned and not miss an issue!
During the holidays there were a ton of tech news. We dug around and in this first issue, we have some of the most exciting articles that made us pause, sit down with a cuppa, and read. ?
Enjoy the best posts of the week! ??
Blazing into .NET 8 & Beyond
Is Blazor the Future of Everything Web? ??
In November last year, .NET 8 came along and completely changed #Blazor transforming it into a truly modern web framework! So, how does it leverage the ASP .NET Core server or static rendering? What are AR or Blazor Hybrid's strengths?
The journey is still ahead of us, but Ed Charbeneau has some thoughts on the matter. Read his Is Blazor the Future of Everything Web? deep dive.
.NET MAUI is the hot news ??
We know - Blazor is great, but what about .NET MAUI? Thankfully TechRel's Sam Basu covered everything (*literally*) that's hot & new in .NET video form! It's an hour-long session, but there are timestamps to guide you through your fav section. Take a look at the latest news.
A snippet-rich Blazor holiday calendar ??
Our teammate, Kristian Mariyanov dedicated his December 2023 to building an interactive holiday calendar entirely inside the Telerik Blazor REPL. What's a REPL you ask? It's your virtual playground for creating, running, saving and sharing code snippets and examples from the comfort of your browser!
It's pretty handy. Kris created a treasure trove of Blazor and .NET 8 snippets, each showing you a cool tip, different feature, or component in action. And you can browse through all 25 of them - just open the Blazor REPL Holiday Calendar hit Run, select your date, grab the link, and enjoy!
ASP.NET Core Basics! ??
Debugging in Visual Studio is actually pretty easy. Since that is the main tool for developing .NET apps. it only makes sense you know how to "hack" your way around it, that is know some high-level tips for finding the error, navigating through your code, skipping code, tracking variables and more!
The list goes on, but there's a handy guide that has essentially all you need to know. Get the list in the ASP.NET Core Basics: Debugging in Visual Studio article by Assis Zang .
Where the JavaScript Trends at?
jQuery = ??
If you're using jQuery, word of mouth is that you should probably start thinking about optimization. If you're asking why, think of large-scale app development. So now the question is - how can you optimize it? Use Nduka John's insightfulness to get there by reading his How (and Why) to Optimize jQuery article.
Are you reading the Signals? ??
How are some of the most popular #JavaScript libraries handling state - with or without signals? That's a question worth diving into! Jonathan Gamble has been on a roll with his articles and Signals: How State is Handled with and Without Them is surely not one you should miss - especially if you plan on using this feature in the future!
Service! ?????? The KendoReact Server Components Are Here!
The KendoReact team at Progress has been busy cooking up something for the past months and it finally had its big reveal - an experimental v0.1.0 of KendoReact Server Components! We hope whatever project you tackle this year, you and your team are as happy as the KendoReact teammates!
Shoutout to Kiril Peyanski & team!
Designing the Future
7 web design trends to rule them all
What web #design trends are going to dominate 2024? Think of something revolutionary and reactionary! What does that sound like to you? Sci-fi? Minimalism?!??
The opportunities are vast and the guessing game is strong, however, Suzanne Scacca has taken the time to lay out 7 web design trends which in her opinion will evolve from current ones. Curious to find which those are? Take a peek at her list.
Is you website ready for 2024? ??
Setting up your website the right way should be in your 2024 plans. To get started check out these 5 handy tips, again (no surprise) by Suzanne Scacca . Building a truly impressive portfolio that's also a super effective sales and marketing tool is #goals. Period.
The treasures along the way
Aspire with Aspire ??
If you've been hearing a ton about .NET Aspire around .NET 8, there's a good reason. Explore the new cloud-ready, observable stack through these 5 essentials in Growth Acceleration Partners' article.
Git good at Git ??
Using Git in Visual Studio makes you more productive? Take a look at the journey the git tooling had in 2023 and what were some of the biggest improvements, all in Jessie Houghton 's DevBlogs article.
Angular 17 has us like ??
#Angular v17 has been a big topic of conversation for the past weeks and for good reasons! One of them is 100% the new @ defer block! Take a look at what it brings to lazy loading in Tomas Trajan 's article.
Thank you for reading the newsletter! We hope to catch you next week! Happy Coding until then!
- The TechRel Team ??