Issue #1: Out with the old, In with the new
Cishahayo Songa Achille
Founder of Techinika, Rwanda Technology Community, and Kiny.Study | Helps you acquire Digital Skills | Builds Software Solutions | Write & Speak to Pass on & Inspire
Dear Reader,
Jim Rohn emphasized the importance of working on oneself, setting goals, and changing one's perception of what happens. One of his stories that I like is when he talked about the time he was very sad about earning a little even after spending 6 years working for the company, Mr. Shoaff asked him how come he was not doing better. Mr. Rohn said, "This is all the company pays." Mr. Shoaff said, "That's not true," and Mr. Rohn repeated, "No, this is all the company pays, this is my paycheck." "No, this is what the company pays you," Mr Shoaff shocked him.
If there are people who are paid >1, >2, >3 times the amount you are getting paid, then the problem is not the company, not the job, but you. What is it going to take for you to multiply that amount? "If you qualify, wouldn't your income grow too?", Mr. Shoaff asked again. "I suppose so," Mr Rohn replied.
"Then, we don't have to work on the company, we have to work on you."
You say things cost too much, but that's not true. You just can't afford them. Mr. Rohn says, "To have more, you have to become better" and "Success is something you attract by the person you become." I am not sharing this just to motivate you, I am sharing this to share some of my greatest learnings in the past year, which I believe can move you a bit. I listened to this after a long time of hating myself, feeling inferior, and getting out of my path, broke every day, and I knew I had to do something.
When I started this newsletter in February last year, I was very frustrated with the way I was failing at my job, I couldn't communicate well, I failed to admit to myself that I couldn't do it, I couldn't ask for support, I had promised too much, and when all came crumbling down, I sat and wrote the first article. Following Jim Rohn helped me realize that excuses are an enemy. A never-ending cycle that kills you at every turn, and I had to turn things around. Change how I look at things, set some goals, and be serious about my life.
I had attended every meeting that I thought could make me better, watched motivational speakers, and read some books. All with the hope of becoming a better me. But one thing I forgot was working on how I use all of that. I understood that the books we read, don't make us better but how we use the information we have makes us better. I had to make a decision, I quit the job I had and gave myself a goal of looking for another job, but only after I was done with my studies. I worked on my company and attended all sessions in the Gavel club at school.
I can't say I am there yet, but making decisions that make me better every day, is something I can't regret doing. I am not perfect, all my goals were not achieved, but in this moment, I realized how having them is powerful. When I started writing, I promised myself to write every week, and one year later, I didn't do that but I did pretty well. 15 articles in a year. I look forward to writing more than 40 issues this year, every week sharing with you what I learned during the week.
Remember, "If you want to have more, you have to become more. For things to change, you have to change... If you grow, everything grows with you."
While I conclude this week's issue, let me tell you that if you have a very difficult situation, you are stuck somewhere, or your feelings are putting you down, and you are broke, it is time to look at your life, be aware of what is causing that, and do something about it. For the most part, you will find that the cause is internal, maybe you fail to admit it, or maybe your habits are the issue, whatever it is, this is your time to change and I wish you luck in that.
I hope sharing this ride and words full of wisdom from Jim Rhon with you will do something, and I can't wait to celebrate looking back and finding that I did 40 issues at the end of the year!
Best Regards,
Achille Songa.