Issue 07 - The Family Office Issue

Issue 07 - The Family Office Issue

Hello to Our Readers

Welcome to the seventh issue of Reflecting on Venturing, the Family Office Issue.

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If you are an accredited investor (usually net worth excluding primary residence of over USD 1MM or annual income for each of the last two years of over USD 200K) interested in investing with us then please email [email protected].

You Should Read This

What is a Family Office?

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Wikipedia’s definition is quite good:

A privately held company that handles investment management and wealth management for a wealthy family, generally one with over $100 million in investable assets, with the goal being to effectively grow and transfer wealth across generations. The company's financial capital is the family's own wealth. Family offices also may handle tasks such as managing household staff, making travel arrangements, property management, day-to-day accounting and payroll activities, management of legal affairs, family management services, family governance, financial and investor education, coordination of philanthropy and private foundations, and succession planning.

As you become more successful and have more assets your life gets more complicated.? You want concierge travel, chartered (or perhaps private) planes, a yacht, multiple houses, complex investments.? Managing your money and your life becomes a full time job, which takes much of the fun out of it.? As the amounts at stake get larger you recognize that you do not have the right training or expertise and that you are leaving cash on the table or spending more than necessary.? It is time to hire professionals.??

Those professionals will be your family office.

Family Offices - History

Are you approaching the level of wealth where a family office makes sense?? It is a good idea to learn a bit about them.

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Family Offices - Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Who guards the guardians?

George Dillinger robbed banks because that is where the money was.? Today, much of the money is in family offices and thieves go there.

Most families that are defrauded do not want to publicize their losses. So the family office fraud and embezzlement we see is the tip of a hidden iceberg of unknown size.

You need trusted outside advisors chosen by you, not the head of your family office and who work for you, not the head of your family office.

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How do you set up a Family Office?

This is a complex process and if you outsource all the work to one person, how do you know if you can trust that person?

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The Fake Family Office

If you spend a lot of time in the financial world you run into fraudsters.? Sometimes the fraud is obvious - we have been pitched investments in perpetual motion machines.? Sometimes the issues are more subtle. You walk away, and you never know if you actually passed on a good thing.? But always remember - pigs go to market, hogs get slaughtered.

One species of fraudster is the fake family office.??

Some fakesters? are annoying but benign.? They pretend to run a family office to get deal flow or to get access to real family offices to sell their services.??

Others are true fraudsters.? They claim to be large investors, dangle large checks in front of your eyes, and try to persuade you to co-invest with them in a fraud they control, to fund their lifestyle (when the master of the universe offering to invest $20MM to save your company has his credit card canceled due to a misunderstanding, will you refuse to pay for his first class plane ticket to visit your company?), or to pay some kind of advance fee, facilitation fee, or commission (in other words, a bribe) so the office they pretend to work for will invest.??

Double and triple check credentials and recommendations.? If someone is a “Sir”, who knighted him?? Does his work history match up with his connections on LinkedIn?? Can you find someone you know who knows him?? If you do a reference check, can you find someone you know who knows the referee?? Look for inconsistencies.? For example, we have encountered fraudsters who claim to have gotten undergraduate degrees at London Business School.? LBS does not offer undergraduate degrees.? Remember - it is easy to get press releases and puff pieces onto reputable sites like Bloomberg and Forbes.

A bit of experience makes it reasonably easy to spot these people, but even very smart people can be blinded by desperation or greed and make costly errors of judgment.? Always remember that opportunities that are too good to be true ARE too good to be true, no one can guarantee returns,? and no one likes you enough to hand you money on a platter no matter how badly you want it.

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The Fake Family Office Summit

When you are raising money, you go where the money is.? One of those places is family offices.

Connecting to family offices is hard, so when someone offers you a bunch of family offices all together in a room for you to pitch to, you get excited.? If they tell you this opportunity can be yours for the low, low price of just USD 5,000 you may get out your credit card and pay to attend such a summit.? Unfortunately, some such summits are fake.

  1. Real family office investment officers do not walk into a room to be attacked by a piranha swarm of would-be investees.? Real family office summits only allow family office staff and a small number of carefully vetted service providers to attend.
  2. If you do not already have the capability to connect to family offices on your own it means they do not really want to talk to you.? A real family office summit will not invite you to attend because the important customers - the family offices - do not want to talk to you.

If you are being asked to pay to attend a family office summit, check carefully if it is real.? Ask family offices you are already in touch with if they know the summit and its organizers and if they would attend.? Check the credentials of the organizers - are they who they claim to be?? Search for the summit name and the words “fake”, “fraud”, “scam”, “worthless”.? Try to find other people like you who attended previous summits and ask them if there was value.

And remember - a fool and his money are soon parted.

There is more good advice on this subject in this great interview of Tobias Prestel by Matthias Knaib in Opalesque.

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Construction Tech

Great article on Construction Tech and Construction Tech investing from Bogdan Cristei ???????????? of Union Labs Ventures .

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The Numbers here are Hair Raising

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SoftBank Group Corp. said it wrote down the value of unlisted assets across its two Vision Funds by 1.14 trillion yen. Analysts have said writedowns of these private assets were unlikely to reflect the extent of current market weakness.

SoftBank loss was USD 23B! And book value of SoftBank investments still exceeds the true value.? They are betting that the markets come back, otherwise there are going to be more brutal quarters.

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More on NEOM

NEOM presents “THE LINE

A city set to be home to nine million residents, covering a landscape of just 34km2.

The city is designed to provide a healthier, more sustainable quality of life making it possible for you to access all your daily requirements in 5 minutes, and commute from end to end within 20 minutes.

The vision is breathtaking. But can it ever become a reality?

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The Jews of Nigeria

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Check out this insanely amazing video promoting the Chess Olympiad in Chennai, India.

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Investee News

MEDZnMORE expands to Islamabad

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It has been an amazing first year for Oware Technologies !

  • 4 Major cities
  • 300,00+ Sq.ft Warehouse Space
  • 300+ Workforce

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Elenas is rebranding!

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No, you did not sleep 8 months and wake up on April Fool’s Day

The funniest thing about this is that it is not supposed to be funny. The stupidest thing about it is that is it not supposed to be stupid. We have no words.

The Dickbutt community has always been about one thing and one thing only, and that is the universal truth of one D equals one B... I also think that commenting on prices defeats from the overall objective here. Dickbutts are not about investing. Dickbutts are a culture.

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Keynes vs. Hayek - The Original Economics Rap Battle!

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Matthew Martin shows us how the NBER works.

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You like Elon Musk, you like NFTs, so check out Life of Musk NFTs!

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VCs Should Contribute to Investee Success!

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In honor of Family Offices

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We have solved inflation.

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Remember What?

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A Last Word

Reflect Ventures helps accredited investors build diversified emerging markets startup portfolios with small or medium sized tickets.??

We invest in B2B and B2B2C startups focusing on logistics, supply chain, and distribution - areas that are big enough to produce big companies in a single geographic market.? We identify attractive verticals that are likely to be oligopolies or monopolies, determine the business model that we believe will succeed in each vertical, and then invest in companies executing that model in different markets.

If you are an accredited investor (usually net worth excluding primary residence of over USD 1MM or annual income for each of the last two years of over USD 200K) and interested in investing with us then please email [email protected].

If you are looking for investment, please look at our one pager below.? If you think you match our criteria, please contact us at [email protected].

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