Issue 006: Announcing – Entrepreneur Startup School!

Issue 006: Announcing – Entrepreneur Startup School!

A New Startup School for First-Timers, Second-Timers or Any-Timers to Successfully Start Your Startup

Hey everyone, I’ve got some new and exciting news!

Before I share, however, let me first thank all of you as loyal subscribers and express my gratitude for your interest in reading my content.

Whether here in Substack or on LinkedIn, I create these Newsletters and hundreds of posts to help you win the game of entrepreneurship!

For many who may not know, besides being a passionate serial entrepreneur and the co-founder of Product Lab LLC, I am also a Founding Principal and Executive Vice President of Commonwealth Capital LLC, a hybrid venture capital management firm(1).

In partnership with Commonwealth Capital, I’ve launched a new program designed for those with a desire to become entrepreneurs.

While geared for the first-timer, this program is both powerful and effective for anyone who has tried in the past and failed or who simply wants to learn a lot more to become even better.

So here we go…

Welcome to my new 10 Step Startup School!

If you prefer to skip all the cool fluff I’m about to cover below, just click here – watch my Intro Video, register to watch a 15-minute FREE Training Video, and schedule a Free Coaching Call. I’ll be waiting for you.

But if you want some great course highlights, let me roll out the red carpet summary just for you.

Is this a School, Course, or Program?

All the above rolled into one. Three versions (small, medium, or large) you may choose from, decided by how seriously you wish to engage as an entrepreneur.

After starting ten companies, two exits, raising nearly $20 million in private market capital, and helping over 100 founders solve their biggest challenges over 20 years, I have crammed all of this into a proven playbook anyone can do; and win.

I don’t think you are necessarily searching for more gurus, inspiring quotes, pep talks, or full-time cheerleaders. You want practical help in doing something you’ve never done before. Or competent support, relevant training, the right tools, accurate analyses, and effective?action steps?and insights that get results with what you may be doing already.

This is what my school accomplishes; with you.

What are the 10 Steps?

Starting a startup is a Defined Science.

After millions have failed, you would think someone would put a playbook together so others don’t.

I have, and this is it–defined with the data, tools, and procedures you can do, so you, too, don’t have to fail in getting started (like myself and others have already!)

While I can’t give the course away, I can tell you what these 10 steps are.

Realize that the magic is in learning and using the steps in my book and each exercise, tool, lesson, and formula so you can dominate getting started.

Here’s a quick snapshot: 10 Chapters, 12 Videos, 42 Lessons, 10 Exercises, and many downloadable Tools to use and keep, all to get you fully armed and loaded.

Here’s a summary of your benefits by Chapter.

Program Orientation

I first welcome you to the course, provide simple guidance and instructions, and make it super-easy for you to do the course. I added a little “Mindset Check” to get things rolling, so by the end, you’ll do another now, now comparing the two and see how you came out.

Step 1: Define Your Vision

Chapter 1

Arguably the most important foundation in starting a startup. This is given the least attention by too many entrepreneurs. Many founders I’ve coached wish they had done this properly before starting, which is why it’s Step 1. There is a simple procedure to do it right, and that’s in the course.

Step 2: Frame the Game

Chapter 2

With a Vision, you must now answer what to do with it, where to go with it, and who to communicate it to. This means creating a framework for your Vision you can execute on. Otherwise, you’ll be charging full speed ahead and, while “hoping for the best,” end up running into a wall. I know…I’ve been there, done that.

Step 3: Reality Check

Chapter 3

Confirmation Bias? That’s solved with this step. Directional Validation is highly undervalued and nearly always skipped, but it is mandatory. “Check your ego at the door,” as some will say. This step helps you make sure your idea makes sense long before you spend any valuable time or money on it.

Step 4: Write Your Own Bestseller

Chapter 4

Here is where the real fun begins. By no means is this a complete storytelling program (for that, do Robbie Crabtree’s program). This step, however, helps you lay the foundation to get your story figured out enough to prepare for your next step.

Step 5: Identity Resolution

Chapter 5

Now, it’s time to name your game. You will have enough figured out by this point to name your business. While you can always change things up later, it’s essential now that you create an identity your story leads up to that you’re happy with. I have tools in the course to help you with that.

Step 6: Co-Founder Magic

Chapter 6

While a controversial topic, I lean towards always having a co-founder. There is an exact reason why, and the statistics explain it better. More so, I give you the actual science and the steps to get one. All you have to do is do it. It works.

Step 7: Journey Mapping

Chapter 7

Now that you’re on the home stretch—it's time to start putting the rest of your puzzle together. I give you some tools here that help bring things together for you in a way that organizes your thoughts, plans, steps, and actions, ready for execution.

Step 8: Accountability

Chapter 8

What would the value of all of this be without some way to hold yourself accountable for getting it done? I cover that, too, providing you with a toolset and means of accountability to bring yourself a Big Win.

Step 9: Discharge Baggage

Chapter 9

The most crucial step before actually starting. Namely, are you in a position to start or not? My Founder Readiness Chart helps you “plot” where you stand and use that to ensure you’re actually ready to dive in and go.

Step 10: Commitment

Chapter 10

Now, it’s GO TIME! By this point, you’re ready to go. And if you are, then take that final leap, jump off the cliff, and it is time to fly!

Wrap Up

That’s about it. My new program is all there and waiting for you.

If you are ready to start your first startup, give it another shot or learn more, this is for you.

I’ll see you soon!


(1) Commonwealth has been capitalizing startups, early-stage, and later-stage companies since 1998, and I announced our new upcoming program helping founders capitalize their companies in my last newsletter, Issue 005.


