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Please help me with a proposal on upwork... help me with the buyer's request on Fiverr...

I am not getting projects...

Clients are not answering my proposals on upwork...

Sending buyer requests is not getting me projects on Fiverr...

I want to earn money from home...

I want to quit my 9 to 5 job...

I want to support my family, but I am not earning enough...

Enough... is Enough—This what you are telling yourself. Right?

Today I will tell you 7 Amazing Secrets in proposal writing, which can help you get MORE CLIENTS either on upwork, Fiverr, guru, or EVEN...

You can apply these 7 Amazing Secrets to find your dream husband or wife...

“Dil dewana kheta hai kay pray kar, Jaa Kisi Ladki Se Aankhey Chaar Kar”

F***k, what the hell I am singing in the middle of such serious stuff...

Sorry fellows, but my inner teenager returned from the early 2000s... Love that time....

Anyways... Let me help you achieve your dreams by fixing your proposal writing so that you can EARN MORE MONEY by applying these 7 Amazing Secrets—in your proposals or buyers-request...

??: ????????

A Hook's purpose is not to sell, convince, or convert your client. It is only used to induce curiosity. It pulls clients into the rest of your proposal.

A hook pulls your client into your proposal quickly because “where the attention goes, the rest will follow”.

Your hook catches the person’s attention, causing them to open your further proposal...

Here are some of the hooks I used, which engaged my audience the most...

? ?????? ?????????????????? -- ????????-?????????? -- ?????? --- ?????? ???? (Used this hook on my storyAd)

? ?? ???????? ?????? ???? ?????????????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ?????????????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ?? ??????, ?????? ???????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ?????? ?????????????? ???????????? ???? ????????????. ( Used this hook on my general post for copywriting).

? ???? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?????????? ?????? ???? ???????????? ???? ?????????? $????????/?????????????? ... ( Video review by My student in my group ==> https://www.facebook.com/groups/FreeFreelancingSyedMuhammadAhmad

If you have an attention-grabbing hook, your proposal conversion rate will be 10x.

??: ?????? (???????????? ?????????????? ??????????):

A UPS is a factor that differentiates you from your competitors. It could be a low price or a promise of delivering quality work, or it can be a timeframe or might be your portfolio, whatever you can use as your UPS in your proposal...

State down your UPS in your proposal, and it will double your conversion rate in winning jobs proposals...

Remember, UPS makes YOUR product or service different from a similar company or individual who bid on the project...

??: ????????????:

Sell like a doctor...What does that mean?

How does a doctor work?

A doctor work in a 3 steps process...

? First of all, he asks a few questions from the patient and digs into the patient’s diseases.

? Further, the doctor diagnoses the patient disease.

? At last, he prescribes the patient a solution... i.e. medicines.

Would you trust a doctor who tells you straight away on your first visit... “You need an operation”... Would you?

No, you would not?

The same is the case with your clients......when you submit a proposal, you must ask a question and see for the symptoms of the disease and further diagnose the client problem, and at last, prescribe the client a solution.

If you focus on “ME” in your proposal and write down a bunch of your qualifications...

Trust me; you will be rejected on the spot...

??: ??????????????????...

Repeating what the client mentioned in their project details is called Mirroring.

And it’s one the amazing trick which will help you convert your proposal into a winning proposal.

Let me give you a simple example...

“?? ???????? ?? ?????????????? ???????????????? ???????? 2 ?????????? ???? ???????????????????? ???? ???????????? ???? ???????????????? ??????????????.“

You repeat your client’s words the same...

“?????? ???????? ?? ?????????????? ???????????????? ???????? 2 ?????????? ???? ???????????????????? ???? ???????????? ???????? ???????????????? ??????????????.“

I discover this secret trick by reading a book on human psychology...

And, If you mirror someone words the same as they said, they had no choice other than to trust you and believe in you.

??: ?????????? ????????...?????? ????????

One of the biggest mistakes most freelancers and companies make as they see any project they f***king start bidding on it without going through client project description, their website, their past projects, or even giving project a few mins to research about it.

In a hurry, most freelancers and companies... copy-pastes the proposal and submit it...waiting for a reply from a client that never comes.

You must take your time, min 20mins to study your client project details, go through their website or previous projects if present, and see how you could use them in your proposal to make it attractive and catchy...

??: ??????????????

Remember, bullets add curiosity to your proposal... Use bullets to mention your client's pain points. Min 5 to 7 bullets are enough, depending on proposal length.

??: ??.?? ??????????????????

P.S statement has a heck of effect—if used effectively and wisely. You can use your P.S statements at the end of your proposal for having an impact...

If the P.S statement is used wisely, it hypnotizes your client and leaves your creditability mark.

Do you know how I learned proposal writing?

Copywriting made my proposal writing effective and killing...So if you want to win more clients...you better learn copywriting...

P.S By the way, did you know that I am teaching copywriting to over 2.6k students from Pakistan for FREE, and they are showing results. Go here to find more information


