Israel's proxy groups and loyalists (Zionist propaganda)

Israel's proxy groups and loyalists (Zionist propaganda)

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Israel uses multiply proxy groups around the world: Zionists, Jewish lobby (AIPAC, JDL, Hillel) loyalists (Antideutsche, Black Block, Antifa...), social groups, religious institutes, financial groups, politicians, political parties, student unions, extra

Some individuals, groups will be trained by Israelis (or even sent to Israel for training). Israel will use them and reward them for their time, 'work' (usually using cash). They will be also used to silence, intimidate any Anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinians groups, smear any criticism against Israel, Israeli leaders..

Here I would like to focus on particular groups operating mainly in Germany and USA. Those groups have influence and contacts in Holland, Austria, Switzerland and more.

I was personally attacked (physically and verbally), harassed, by Israelis, the Anti-Deutsche, some criminals in Germany, Austria, Holland and elsewhere.

* Egyptian authorities detained a Black Bloc member suspected of attempting to carry out an Israeli-directed sabotage plan. Iran-based FARS news agency claimed that Egypt’s Black Bloc is linked to Mossad. Of course, Israel denied any involvement in such a plo

* Alliances made with other international groups (Black-Bloc)

Egyptian authorities detained a Black Bloc member suspected of attempting to carry out an Israeli-directed sabotage plan. Iran-based FARS news agency claimed that Egypt’s Black Bloc is linked to Mossad. Of course, Israel denied any involvement in such a plot.

The Black Bloc is proudly willing to use violence against the security forces and the allegedly ‘military wing’ of the Muslim Brotherhood.

"Egypt holds Black Bloc member over 'Israeli sabotage plan'

Israel rejects the notion of involvement in Black Bloc issue as Egypt arrests a member of the newly-rising group of carrying out an Israel-backed sabotage plan"

Black bloc

U.S.-Israel Strategic Cooperation: Joint Police & Law Enforcement Training

The Zionist Federation of Germany (GermanZionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland) also known as the Zionist Association for Germany


Public diplomacy of Israel

Public diplomacy in Israel, also known as Hasbara (Hebrew: ???????????), refers to public-relations efforts to disseminate positive information abroad about the State of Israel and its actions.[1][2]

The Israeli government and its supporters use the term to describe efforts to explain government policies and promote Israel in the face of negative press, and to counter what they see as attempts at delegitimisation of IsraelHasbara is also a euphemism for propaganda.[3][4][5][6]

Anti-Germans (political current)

Anti-German (GermanAntideutsch) is the generic name applied to a variety of theoretical and political tendencies within the radical left mainly in Germany and Austria. The Anti-Germans form one of the main camps within the broader Antifa movement, alongside the Anti-Zionist anti-imperialists, after the two currents split between the 1990s and the early 2000s as a result of their diverging views on Israel.[2] In 2006 Deutsche Welle estimated the number of anti-Germans at between 500 and 3,000.[3]

(Today there are some 80,000 - 100,000 Anti-Deutsche, black bloc, Antifa activists. they will group and act mainly in universities, colleges, among young adults. about 500,000 German will describe themselves as "Anti-Deutsche supporters")

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The American Zionist Movement (AZM) is comprised of 33 national Jewish Zionist organizations and works across a broad ideological, political and religious spectrum linking the American Jewish community together in support of Israel, Zionism and the Jewish people.

German book:

Antideutsche!: Entstehung und Niedergang einer politischen Richtung (German) Paperback – 1 Dec. 2012

Anti-German! Emergence (Rise) and decline of a political direction,

by Anton Stengl

Sometimes you can still see demonstrations near the ’Black Block’ - with clear delimitation - small groups of young people also dressed in black, waving Israel flags to distinguish them from the other marchers in the same gap. They want to abolish capitalism - and cheer American politics. They demand the unrestrained bombing and annihilation of all Israel's hostile states.

Even if this direction, which only caused damage, is in the process of dissolving, the relationship with Israel in Germany is extremely strange. A well-known Nobel Prize winner, Günther Grass, comments in a political poem on Israel's threats against Iran and writes that “another submarine is to be delivered to Israel whose specialty is to be able to direct all-destructive warheads there, where the existence of a single atomic bomb is unproven, ”and“ The general concealment of this fact, to which my silence has been subordinated, I perceive as a burdensome lie and compulsion, which holds the prospect of punishment as soon as it is ignored; the verdict "anti-Semitism" is common. "

The punishment was immediate: Grass was banned from entering Israel, insults in the German mass media. Marcel Reich-Ranicki describes the poem as "disgusting", the historian Michael Wolffsohn thinks "the poem could have been printed in a right-wing newspaper", the actor Michael Degen considers the poem to be "stupid". However, the Israeli author Uri Avnery defends Günter Grass: It is anti-Semitic to insist that Israel should not be criticized in Germany!

In order to respond to the arguments of the anti-Germans, it was necessary to briefly describe Zionism and the history of Israel. The question of how the current of the ′anti-Germans′ came about, which positions it occupies and how these are justified should be investigated.

Many other people and organizations have their say, especially Jews, of course. Therefore the present book has the character of a reader.

Antideutsche Welle (Fler Diss)

Die Antideutsche Welle tut jetzt mehr Not denn je. Solidarit?t mit Israel!

Germany's pro-Israel Left Has a New Target in the Crosshairs: Jews

Ideas and opinions that can be voiced freely in Israeli academia will spark a big backlash in Berlin, led by the Antideutsche movement

International solidarity against the attacks of the so-called ?Antideutsche“! Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism!

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Germany’s relentless campaign to silence pro-Palestinian voices

The German political establishment has come after BDS just as viciously as Israel has.

Against the backdrop of Israeli efforts to falsely equate Zionism with Judaism and dismiss any criticism of the Israeli state as anti-Semitic, Germany is also leading a relentless campaign to ostracise pro-Palestinian activists and delegitimise their protest campaigns.

The German state has traditionally viewed protection of and unconditional ideological support for Israel as part of its raison d’etre – a way to atone for the Holocaust.

Black Bloc in Hamburg

(Destabilizing a country, a region, as a tool to influence and re-shape public opinion)

Vienna, Austria:

Statement by BDS Austria on the defamation against BDS, the "Israeli Apartheid Week" and against the Amerlinghaus

For about two weeks now, in response to the annual international "Israeli Apartheid Week" (IAW), a concerted media campaign has been conducted against the local campaigner BDS Austria.

Benjamin Weinthal, an employee of the neo-conservative American think tank “Foundation for Defense of Democracies”, started this campaign with an article in the “Jerusalem Post” and in the Austrian daily newspaper “Der Standard”.

At the same time, local actors around the “Boycott Antisemitism” platform, which was founded in response to BDS Austria, increased the pressure on the “Spittelberg im Amerlinghaus” cultural center, where two IAW events were to take place. In an "open letter" to Mayor Michael H?upl and to the Amerlinghaus, the authors repeated the defamation against BDS Austria, which bordered on character assassination, and established incorrect connections that are supposed to denounce the human rights campaign BDS and its local representatives as "anti-Semitic".

The Vienna ?VP and the FP? also joined the political blackmail on March 7, 2016 with an OTS broadcast and demanded the end of the Spittelberg cultural center. The “Spittelberg cultural center in the Amerlinghaus” was finally established by the City of Vienna -

namely of Municipal Department 13 - openly threatened with withdrawal of subsidies.

In a phone call it was even said that the red-green city government could be forced to resign due to the two events in the Amerlinghaus...

Lisa Eckhart: Die Hetzjagd geht weiter …

Die Wiederauferstehung des Schwarzen Blocks (Black-Bloc)

Lisa Eckhart hat ihr Publikum im Auge, das wahrscheinlich in gro?er Mehrheit Israel als Heimat und Zufluchtsort von Holocaust-überlebenden verteidigt, auf Juden nichts kommen l?sst, die … ganz viel mitmachen, um ja nicht in den Verdacht zu geraten, sie seien leibhaftig und/oder strukturell antisemitisch.

Zu dieser Bereitschaft geh?rt auch, weitgehend akzeptiert zu haben, dass eine Kritik an der Besatzungspolitik, an den Annektionen Israels nur vorgeschoben sei, um das Eigentliche zu tarnen: Den Hass auf Juden, was dann mit "sekund?rem Antisemitismus" markiert wird. Also halten sich die allermeisten raus, fassen das "hei?e Eisen" erst gar nicht an und sind umso mehr angefasst, wenn dies jemand tut, erst recht in der Art und Weise wie es Lisa Eckart gemacht hat...

Lisa Eckhart: The hunt continues ...

The resurrection of the black bloc

Lisa Eckhart has her audience in mind, who probably defend Israel as the home and place of refuge for Holocaust survivors in the vast majority of cases, and don't let Jews come up against it who ... participate a lot in order not to be suspected of being real and or structurally anti-Semitic.

This readiness also includes having largely accepted that criticism of the occupation policy, of the annexations of Israel, is only a pretext to camouflage the real thing: the hatred of Jews, which is then marked with "secondary anti-Semitism". So most of them stay out of the way, don't even touch the "hot iron" and are touched all the more when someone does this, especially in the way Lisa Eckart did...

* Groups and loyalists In the USA:

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is a lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies to the Congress and Executive Branch[3] of the United States. The current president of AIPAC is Betsy Berns Korn.

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) (Hebrew: ????? ????? ???????) is an American non-profit pro-Israel organization. Founded in 1897, as the Federation of American Zionists, it was the first official Zionist organization in the United States. Early in the 20th century, it was the primary representative of American Jews to the World Zionist Organization, espousing primarily Political Zionism.

US government mounts attacks on Palestinian rights movement, dangerously conflating antisemitism and boycott

Taglit-Birthright Israel

At Birthright Israel Foundation we are committed to securing the Jewish future for our children and grandchildren. Inspired by our founders and our nearly 40,000 annual donors, we strive to raise the necessary funds to send every eligible young Jewish adult on Birthright Israel.

Our Mission & Vision

Birthright Israel Foundation raises funds in the United States to support Birthright Israel, an educational trip that ensures every eligible young Jewish adult around the world, especially the less connected, is given the opportunity to visit Israel. Birthright Israel Foundation aims to fund this educational trip for 50,000 young Jewish adults each year.

Hillel & Israel

“We don’t just do Israel programs. Students are exposed to Israel’s culture, politics and religion through internships, travel experiences and educational programs, placing Israel at the heart of their Jewish identity.” -Jordan, University of Miami Hillel (Photo Courtesy: University of Oregon Hillel)

J Street organizes pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans to promote US policies that embody our deeply held Jewish and democratic values and that help secure the State of Israel as a democratic homeland for the Jewish people.

"J Street describes itself as "the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people..."

Why is the Israeli military still recruiting in Canada?

Why is the Israeli military still recruiting in Canada?

For three quarters of a century Canadians have been recruited inside this country to fight in Israel’s military

* Jewish Group Offers Firearms Training to Keep California Synagogues Secure

* Volunteers for Israel / Sar-El Experience - Call to Adventure

Sar-El also serve as a Zionists organization which recruits people (or re-direct people) in Israel or overseas.

Later on, some of those who are skilful will assist Israeli security bodies (like: protecting synagogues, assisting the Israeli embassy or even assisting with various Mossad missions).


The German parliament 'helping to build-up' (strength) Israel's security:

Germany subsidizes sale of four warships to Israel

JERUSALEM, MAY 11, 2015 (Reuters) - Israel bought four German-made corvette warships on Monday to help secure its Mediterranean gas rigs, with Berlin heavily subsidizing the deal, Israel’s Defence Ministry said on Monday.

Shahar Hlinovsky

Trust and Safety, (AI)

3 年

*--------- Forwarded message ---------- From:?"Noam Livne" <noam To:?"'shahar h'" <[email protected]> Cc:? Date:?Thu, 6 Apr 2006 20:38:33 +0200 Subject:?RE: mom Hi Shahar, sorry it took me a while, I was very occupied in the last days. Following is a statement as you requested: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- To whom it may concern, I know Shahar Helinovsky for a few years (since 2002), and during all this period he has been active against militarism, occupation, depression and all sorts of discrimination. During that period we were both active in a few movements. I am also declaring that I was interrogated by the Israeli General Security Services, concerning the activity of Shahar Helinovsky, and that he was under constant surveillance of the Israeli police. Noam Livne, 6th April 2006 --------------------------------------------------- Phone:?????????+972-3- Cell:??????????+972-52- Email:?noam.livne --------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Hope it help, good luck. Noam

Shahar Hlinovsky

Trust and Safety, (AI)

3 年

Ex-policeman refusing duty in the OT sues vindictive former colleagues = == = == == === == = == = == == === == = == = == == === == While peace activists wonder how come they don't get more sectors of Israeli society involved, there is Shachar Halinovsky who fights it all alone. Having? been a policeman between 1993 and 1999, he was forced to resign after telling his superiors that he would? not do duty in the occupied territories. Ever since he has great problems with his vindictive previous colleagues. SHACHAR HOPES HIS FELLOW ACTIVISTS OF YEARS OF INVOLVEMENT WILL? SUPPORT HIM TOMORROW - BY BEING IN THE COURT. The next act in a long series:? Tomorrow at 11.30, Shachar will appear before judge Aryeh Sharabi at the Tel-Aviv Magistrate Court, demanding compensations from two policemen who have in May this year broken into his appartment without a warrant, and without even knocking, causing severe damage to furniture. More details: 03-6925398 / 6388688 (ask for Shachar) For Hebrew, open attachment Shahar Hlinovsky

Shahar Hlinovsky

Trust and Safety, (AI)

3 年

Birthright doc should be required viewing for Jews who question connection to Zionism

Shahar Hlinovsky

Trust and Safety, (AI)

3 年

Israel's war on BDS is combined and complex one, Israel Interferes in foreign politics

Shahar Hlinovsky

Trust and Safety, (AI)

3 年

More information: Tel Aviv Beach - Vienna Thanks to the talent of Haya Molcho, the Naschmarkt-based Neni became famous almost overnight. Her Tel Aviv Beach on the Danube Canal, originally a collaboration between the city of Vienna and the Israeli Embassy,...


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