The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict #16: Houston, We Have a Problem!
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The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict #16: Houston, We Have a Problem!

The Background for the Longest Soap Opera in History - Part 15

Comedia De la Shamata Turns into a Tragedy

On December 11, 1917, Jerusalem was captured by the British army led by General Allenby, and in early October 1918, the British army entered Damascus without a fight. Towards the end of 1918, following the First World War, the British captured the entire area of Israel from the Ottomans. However, the euphoria of the victory did not last long. The Arabs now claimed Damascus for themselves, and the British had to admit that they had promised the city not only to them but also to the French. In the Middle East, years of discussions and debates began internally between the British Empire and France and then between the residents of the region. The territory remained under a British military regime until July 1920, when the military government ended its duties and transferred its powers to a civilian administration headed by a "High Commissioner." September 11, 1922, is the official date when the British Civil Administration, led by the High Commissioner, accepted the League of Nations mandate for the Land of Israel.?

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Houston, We Have a Problem!

The French resented the attempts of British military officers to undermine their position in Syria. The Muslims in India and other countries were outraged by the destruction of the Ottoman Empire. The Zionists resented the gradual erosion of the "Balfour Declaration" and the evasion of the British government from fulfilling its obligations according to the terms of the mandate, and lastly, the Arabs of Palestine denounced the Balfour Declaration. To make the French and the British flee from the area, terror attacks were carried out throughout the Middle East, which reached the heights of chaos in Iraq, Syria, and Palestine.

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. But what happens when the winning horse loses the race?

On January 3, 1919, the Weizmann-Faisal Agreement was signed in London between Chaim Weizmann on behalf of the Zionist movement and Emir Faisal, son of Hussein, King of Hejaz, on behalf of the Hejaz Kingdom. In this agreement, the parties committed to cooperation and the regulation of relations between the Zionist movement and a united Arab kingdom headed by Faisal that was supposed to be established following the First World War and the Arab Revolt. The collapse of the Arab Kingdom of Syria and the expulsion of King Faisal led to the decline of the Syrian-Arab national movement in which many of the Arabs of the Land of Israel hung their national aspirations, and instead, they began to support the idea of an Arab state in the Land of Israel.

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