Israel at War

Israel at War

Last month, I visited the Anne Frank Museum in Amsterdam, and it takes you back in time, making you feel the sorrow of being Jewish in a world that closed its eyes to mass killings and merely lamented...

To all my friends who send messages, yes, I am fine, I am safe, I am not afraid, but... I am sad, in mourning.

I write this text three days after the attacks here in Israel, and what I see reminds me of the Holocaust, not just because of the mass killings, but also because of the rest of the world's reaction of lamentation and helplessness. Israel has been threatened with atomic annihilation for years, and nobody says anything! Are they going to wait for it to happen and then they will create museums again?

I see friends being summoned, other friends with family members murdered, and outside of Israel, all I see is lamentation.

Enough of anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism! I have a European passport, but Europe is not safe for me! Here, despite what has happened, I feel much safer. Perhaps the feeling of security is so high that we have become too complacent in our trust, and here we are...

I heard that the country which I was born, sending planes to pick up its citizens here, tourists, and anyone who wants to return. Not me, I am already Israeli. I will stay until the end.

Useful tip: We don't need commercial planes, send fighter jets!


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