Israel Is Not Simply a Place on the Map
The best way we can help each other - one for all and all for one - in the current state of war that we're in, is to understand Israel's value and virtue.
Only in a state of unity and complete identification with the goal - meaning how we were at the beginning of the war ...
If we make sure to have that collective mindset - this is the only way to feel the importance of Israel.
Israel is not some random or temporary country. It's an eternal country. And to be worthy of the honor of being here, we need to try to behave like a nation that has earned that right.
Israel is not some random or temporary country. It's an eternal country. And to be worthy of the honor of being here, we need to try to behave like a nation that has earned that right.
Being in Israel is not something we should take for granted, and no one has promised us to be here for an eternity.
Israel can still be sold to the Arabs. It can be sold to all kinds of forces pressuring us - if we don't know how to truly appreciate having the right to be here.
Now is the time to take action - more than ever before. Each of us can make our own calculations and decide for ourselves.
Meaning, whoever wants to make an effort to identify with the current situation and contribute to achieving our goal - without asking for any special conditions - is more than welcome to do so.
Whoever wants to leave the country - should leave.
Whoever wants to take their money out of the country - should take it out.
Whoever is upset about the Arabs in Gaza - instead of blocking roads and shutting down the economy, go to Gaza and volunteer to help them there. There is no need to disrupt the citizens here.
Instead of reading headlines and scrolling through social media - this is a time for decisive action.
Everyone in Israel should think about the best way to do that.
But whatever you do - don't remain here and make everyone's life and your own life miserable.
Make a clear decision.
Whoever wants to leave - the airport is operating as normal.
Whoever wants to take their money abroad - take it with you.
Whoever wants to look after the poor "citizens" of Palestine - go help them.
And those who want to support Israel unconditionally - great.
After all this time everyone needs to decide where they belong.
I really hope that most of the nation will decide to support Israel, without any special conditions. Why? Because we're in a war.