Israel & the Oppression Olympics
The international war against Jews is waged by woke, progressive youth [like all dictators use]. Young naive students have caused some of the greatest bloodbaths in history: blind fools see.
It's the oppression olympics: who's the most victimized wins while successful are further restricted.
The identity politics pyramid is espoused by all the professors: very proudly they lie, fakers.
It's called "underdogism". Liberals always go for the poorer/weaker despite their blatant sadism.
To pity Hamas is to hate Israel and FINALLY: we’ve come to a turning point seeing our frenemies.
We see the blatant disregard in our friends, the cold ignoring of Oct 7 as an insignificant event.
The university has become a safe space for Jewish hatred--better believe it's being created.
They don't know what the hell they're protesting, they're just following suit. It's just a mob too.
The American system isn't as good as it could be, as one rogue president can destroy it see.
In this identity politics Jews are treated as evil as they get swept up with "oppressive" white people.
Left hates America so much they're ready to side with any radical ideology that's hostile to us.
The global war on the Jews is now called "islamaphobia". That's the new insane America.
They conflate antisemitism/Jew-hate with "anti-Islam on college campuses" of which there is NONE sis.
Knowing you're conservative they pick fights to take the moral high ground. Escape the matrix or drown.
You're silent, knowing how easily triggered she is. She presses on, wanting to start the moral blitz.
It's all pro-Hamas on college campuses. It's the great divide as dumb youth chime with masses.
We've surrendered to the hard left for decades in our universities and now we see the results see.
Those who curse Israel will be cursed. Don't be intimidated by silly minds, truth comes first.
There is little or no persecution of Muslims on college campuses, Biden just wants their votes sis.
They can't even read or do math, and we're supposed to listen to them? I'm telling you, get new friends.
Drugs, sex and protests. What else do they have? Civics was taken out and America is bashed.
They're stupid, and their cruel. It's the abortion generation made callous and ornery too.
The liberal is ensconced in "underdogism". Wrong or right, they side with Hamas despite sadism.
I found myself self-censoring in a limiting relationship, always walking on eggs as I self-restricted.
Just by ending a limiting relationship you notice a big upsweep in your energy and goals to set.?