Israel Joining ISIS!Neither Obama nor France invited or provoked why do we join the war,Mr President?
Palash Biswas
Working as Executive Editor,Prerana Anshu,monthly literary mag in Hindi from Uttarakhand
Israel Joining ISIS
Neither Obama nor France invited or provoked why do we join the war,Mr President?
Rather speak to your government while you restrict the conscience of the Nation and the institutional fascism kills the idea of India,the Indian Masses!
Thanks You Tube!Sharing evidences how Israel created ISIS with US help to destroy Islam!Tracked Indian leaders and shared the ISIS threat video with and shared also the videos of the LIVE War afresh in the middle east with a Red Alarm that India becomes the WAR Zone.Dare not scream for your soul and conscience but face the Truth!
US media questions US funding to Al Qaeda,Taliban and ISIS and questions the justification of the war in which Hindu Taliban includes us as it kills the mandate,the parliament and the constitution to make this global war become the Manusmriti global order!
New ISIS Threat Reported In Washington!
#Good Earth Endangered #India Warzone#IISIS Threat #Washington #London# Rome#War Live#Terror kills Humanity!#Manusmriti Rule
Is India at war against Islam as it stands with Israel against Palestine and the Arab Humanity?The Global Hindutva agenda launched by institutional fascism ruling India already has declared a war against Islam and imported BEEF SPRING and Crusade against Tipu Sultan prove it more the enough!
France Air Force against ISIS After Paris Terror Attacks1
Palash Biswas
Paris mourns!For us,mourning never stops!
Let us mourn for the brilliant artist
Saeed Jaffrey!
The Good Earth
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Good Earth is a novel by Pearl S. Buck published in 1931 and awarded the Pulitzer Prize for the Novel in 1932. The best-selling novel in the United States in both 1931 and 1932 was an influential factor in Buck's winning theNobel Prize for Literature in 1938. It is the first book in a trilogy that includesSons (1932) and A House Divided (1935).
A new video, purportedly released by ISIS, threatens further attacks against Western nations and identified Washington, D.C. specifically.
“The video, which appeared on a site used by Islamic State to post its messages, begins with news footage of the aftermath of Friday’s Paris shootings in which at least 129 people were killed,”media reports.
The message is delivered by a man identified as Al Ghareeb the Algerian, who was dressed in fatigues and a turban. It is directed to Western nations currently engaged in the Syrian Civil War.
“We say to the states that take part in the crusader campaign that, by God, you will have a day, God willing, like France’s and by God, as we struck France in the center of its abode in Paris, then we swear that we will strike America at its center in Washington,” he said.
ISIS inflicts India as India becomes proactive partner in American War against Terror replacing Britain,stands with Israel and discarding Palestine Cause!We ,the Indians are predestined to be victims of holocaust and continuous refugee influx,infinite Mahabharat in accordance with the Karma principle enacted by Bhagwat Geeta under Manusmriti Hegemony!
"France is at war against militant Islam," Mr Hollande told members of parliament at the Palace of Versailles on Monday and India supports France’s war against IS: Kiren Rijiju,the Minister declared!
Is India at war against Islam as it stands with Israel against Palestine and the Arab Humanity?The Global Hindutva agenda launched by institutional fascism ruling India already has declared a war against Islam and imported BEEF SPRING and Crusade against Tipu Sultan prove it more the enough!
Emotions should not overrun reason, and disagreement should be expressed through debate and discussion. We must, as proud Indians, have confidence in the idea of India and the values and principles enshrined in our Constitution.Thus,President of India spoke!
Thus,President Pranab Mukherjee disapproves of Award Wapsi, asks writers, filmmakers to cherish recognition!
But being the head of Indian Republic,the first citizen he should talk to the NRI PM if available at home at all about governance as well as diplomacy and should share his valuable experiences of governance and diplomacy!
In remarks that seemed to indicate his lack of support for the 'award wapsi' movement by writers, scientists and filmmakers protesting "growing intolerance" under the Modi government, President Pranab Mukherjee said awards should be cherished and disagreements settled through debates.
Speaking at the Press Council of India national awards, the President said, "Prestigious awards such as these are a public recognition of talent, merit and hard work by peers and leaders in the profession. Such awards should be cherished and valued by those who receive them... Sensitive minds sometimes get disturbed by some incidents in society. But expression of concern over such events should be balanced. Emotions should not overrun reason, and disagreement should be expressed through debate and discussion."
However,Rijiju, who attended a condolence meet at the Embassy of France, said: “We have taken a decision to stand with France in its declaration of war against the Islamic State.
It is war again as President Barrack Obama pledged as France strikes the ISIS Base without any success hitherto bombing only civic locations creating humanitarian chaos and making ISIS more lethal!Mind you,from secret office, Charlie Hebdo continues war against jihadists!Thus,no deficit for fuel for the FIRE!
We have to bear the burns of this war for nothing! For nothing!As our discredited political leadership and the Manusmriti hegemony want yet another war to refresh Mandate at loss!It is scenario most vocal without any musicality whatsoever remixed technical effects of blind religious nationalism to sustain the dynasty Manusmriti rule pushing very hard for total privatization!
Some countries still using terrorism as state policy,we know but diplomacy should have been more pragmatic and endorsed by the Parliament and the nation should not be victim of foreign war as America did almost nothing after Mumbai Blasts in our interest.Why should we align with America and Israel to destroy Islam as the create Al Kaeda,Taliban and ISIS as well?
France has launched a fresh wave of military airstrikes against IS targets in the group's Syrian stronghold of Raqqa. France's army general staff said that fighter jets destroyed a command and training centre.
"For the second time in 24-hours the French military conducted an air raid against Daesh in Raqa in Syria," it said in a statement. It comes as French President Francois Hollande called on the US and Russia to join a coalition to destroy IS, after the group claimed responsibility for attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people.
"France is at war against militant Islam," Mr Hollande told members of parliament at the Palace of Versailles on Monday. "We're not engaged in a war of civilisations because these assassins do not represent any," he told a packed chamber. "We are in a war against jihadist terrorism which is threatening the whole world."
The president pledged that assaults by French fighter jets would intensify and he would meet President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin in talks aimed at building a coalition to defeat IS. "We must combine our forces to achieve a result that is already too late in coming," he said.
Thus, Terror in France has leaders around the world scrambling for answers and ideas on how to proceed. Intelligence officials think another attack on France is possible, and threats of an attack on the United States have lawmakers in Washington on high alert.
Many fear the terror will continue, but President Obama doesn’t plan to change his strategy. Both Obama and French President Francois Hollande spoke earlier today, Obama in front of the G20 Summit in Turkey, and Hollande in front of an emotional French Parliament.
Hollande says his country is at war after 129 people were killed in the Paris attacks Friday night. In a recently released ISIS propaganda video, a militant vows harm upon America’s stronghold, Washington, D.C as well. There have been talks of intensifying the conflict and sending U.S. troops to fight the Islamic State, a move President Obama says he and his administration have thought about.
One of the Paris attack suspects dubbed "Public Enemy Number One" is thought to be still on the run despite earlier reports he had been caught by Belgian police.
This Indian Express report should be treated as RED Alarm as Indian Express reports:
Jr. Owaisi, e-books had impact on Indian ISIS recruit Majeed, files show
CRY Humanity! CRY!CRY!
We dare not cry Freedom as Slaves we are!
#Paris mourns#Chhath #Come Mayawati #!Humanity dragged into Bermuda triangle #War again #India Proactive!
The Class Caste ruling Hegemony lost credit and it also lost the mandate and it badly wants yet another KARGIL War to invoke blind nationalism.Thus,India is a proactive partner in American war against Terror to invoke full bloom Islamophobia and it would be the Global Kargil to accomplish the Hindu Globe agenda!
????? ????? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???
The Good Earth
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see The Good Earth (disambiguation).
The Good Earth is a novel by Pearl S. Buck published in 1931 and awarded the Pulitzer Prize for the Novel in 1932. The best-selling novel in the United States in both 1931 and 1932 was an influential factor in Buck's winning theNobel Prize for Literature in 1938. It is the first book in a trilogy that includesSons (1932) and A House Divided (1935).
The novel, which dramatizes family life in a Chinese village before World War I, has been a steady favorite ever since. It was included in Life Magazine's list of the 100 outstanding books of 1924–1944.[1] In 2004, the book was returned to the bestseller list when chosen by the television host Oprah Winfrey forOprah's Book Club.[2] The novel helped prepare Americans of the 1930s to consider Chinese as allies in the coming war with Japan.[3]
A Broadway stage adaptation was produced by the Theatre Guild in 1932, written by the father and son playwriting team of Owen and Donald Davis, but it was poorly received by the critics, and ran only 56 performances. However, the 1937 film, The Good Earth, which was based on the stage version, was more successful.
The story begins on Wang Lung's wedding day and follows the rise and fall of his fortunes. The House of Hwang, a family of wealthy landowners, lives in the nearby town, where Wang Lung's future wife, O-Lan, lives as a slave. As the House of Hwang slowly declines due to opium use, frequent spending, and uncontrolled borrowing, Wang Lung, through his own hard work and the skill of his wife, O-Lan, slowly earns enough money to buy land from the Hwang family. O-Lan delivers three sons and three daughters; the first daughter becomes mentally handicapped as a result of severe malnutrition brought on by famine. Her father greatly pities her and calls her "Poor Fool," a name by which she is addressed throughout her life. O-Lan kills her second daughter at birth to spare her the misery of growing up in such hard times, and to give the remaining family a better chance to survive. During the devastating famine and drought, the family must flee to a large city in the south to find work. Wang Lung's malevolent uncle offers to buy his possessions and land, but for significantly less than their value. The family sells everything except the land and the house. Wang Lung then faces the long journey south, contemplating how the family will survive walking, when he discovers that the "firewagon" (the Chinese word for the newly built train) takes people south for a fee.
In the city, O-Lan and the children beg while Wang Lung pulls a rickshaw. Wang Lung's father begs but does not earn any money, and sits looking at the city instead. They find themselves aliens among their more metropolitan countrymen who look different and speak in a fast accent. They no longer starve, due to the one-cent charitable meals of congee, but still live in abject poverty. Wang Lung longs to return to his land. When armies approach the city he can only work at night hauling merchandise out of fear of being conscripted. One time, his son brings home stolen meat. Furious, Wang Lung throws the meat on the ground, not wanting his sons to grow up as thieves. O-Lan, however, calmly picks up the meat and cooks it. When a food riot erupts, Wang Lung unwillingly joins a mob that is looting a rich man's house and corners the man himself, who fears for his life and gives Wang Lung all his money in order to buy his safety. Meanwhile, his wife finds jewels in a hiding place in another house, hiding them between her breasts.
Wang Lung uses this money to bring the family home, buy a new ox and farm tools, and hire servants to work the land for him. In time, the youngest children are born, a twin son and daughter. When he discovers the jewels O-Lan looted from the house in the southern city, Wang Lung buys the House of Hwang's remaining land. He is eventually able to send his first two sons to school (also apprenticing the second one as a merchant) and retains the third one on the land. As Wang Lung becomes more prosperous, he buys a concubine named Lotus. O-Lan endures the betrayal of her husband when he takes two pearls, the only jewels she had asked to keep for herself, to make them into earrings to present to Lotus. O-Lan's morale suffers and she eventually dies, but not before witnessing her first son's wedding. Wang Lung finally appreciates her place in his life, as he mourns her passing.
- Wang Lung – poor, hard-working farmer born and raised in a small village of Anhwei. He is the protagonist of the story and suffers hardships as he accumulates wealth and the outward signs of success. He has a strong sense of morality and adheres to Chinese traditions such as filial piety and duty to family. He believes that the land is the source of his happiness and wealth. By the end of his life he has become a very successful man and possesses a large plot of land which he buys from the House of Hwang. As his lifestyle changes he begins to indulge in the pleasures his wealth can buy—he purchases a concubine named Lotus. In Pinyin, Wang's name is written "Wang Long."[4] Wang is likely to be the common surname "Wang" represented by the character 王.
- O-Lan – first wife, formerly a slave in the house of Hwang. A woman of few words, she is uneducated but nonetheless is valuable to Wang Lung for her skills, good sense, and indomitable work ethic. She is considered plain or ugly; her feet are not bound. Wang Lung sometimes mentions her wide lips. Nevertheless, she is hardworking and self-sacrificing. Towards the end of the book, O-Lan dies due to failing organs. When she lies on her deathbed, Wang Lung pays all of his attention to her and purchases her coffin not long before her death.
- The Poor Fool – first daughter and third child of O-lan and Wang Lung, whose mental handicap was caused by severe starvation during her infancy. As the years go by, Wang Lung grows very fond of her. She mostly sits in the sun and twists a piece of cloth. By the time of Wang Lung's death, she was to be cared for by Pear Blossom.
- Uncle's Wife – becomes a friend of Lotus; also becomes addicted to opium. Very fat, greedy and lazy.
- Pear Blossom – Bought as a young girl, she serves as a slave to Lotus. At the end of the novel she becomes Wang Lung's concubine because she says she prefers the quiet devotion of old men to the fiery passions of young men.
The novel's chronology is unclear, as it provides no explicit dates from which to work. There are, however, references to events which take place in Chinese History which, if accurately placed by the author, provide an approximate time frame; among these are the use of railroads and the Xinhai Revolution. The time spent by the family in the South (probably Shanghai) following the famine in their home of Anhui provides the best opportunity to approximate the time span of the novel. Railroads in China were not constructed until the end of the 19th century, with virtually no widespread development until after 1904. The lines extending from Shanghai to the north were constructed only after 1908. The train used by Wang Lung and his family is implied to be relatively new, which would place their departure to the South around this time. Their return, which takes place shortly after the southern city descends into civil chaos, best matches the time of the 1911 Revolution. Accepting this as a starting point, earlier and later dates can be estimated according to the ages of characters and the seasonal crop cycles which are mentioned. If accurate, this would likely place the end of the novel after its date of publishing.
Political influence[edit]
Some scholars have seen The Good Earth as creating sympathy for China in the oncoming war with Japan. "If China had not captured the American imagination," said one "it might just have been possible to work out a more satisfactory Far Eastern policy," but such works as The Good Earth, "infused with an understandable compassion for the suffering Chinese, did little to inform Americans about their limited options in Asia."[5] The diplomatic historian Walter LaFeber, however, although he agrees that Americans grew enamored of heroic Chinese portrayed by writers such as Buck, concluded that "these views of China did not shape U.S. policy after 1937. If they had, Americans would have been fighting in Asia long before 1941."[6]
The Columbia University political scientist Andrew J. Nathan praised Hilary Spurling's book Pearl Buck in China: Journey to The Good Earth, saying that it should move readers to rediscover Buck's work as a source of insight into both revolutionary China and the United States’ interactions with it. Spurling observes that Buck was the daughter of American missionaries and defends the book against charges that it is simply a collection of racist stereotypes. In her view, Buck delves deeply into the lives of the Chinese poor and opposed "religious fundamentalism, racial prejudice, gender oppression, sexual repression, and discrimination against the disabled."[7]
Peripatetic manuscript[edit]
Buck wrote the novel in Nanking, spending mornings in the attic of her university bungalow to complete the manuscript in one year (ca 1929).[8] In 1952, the typed manuscript and several other papers belonging to Buck were placed on display at the museum of the American Academy of Arts and Letters in New York. It disappeared after the exhibit, and in a memoir (1966), Buck is said to have written, "The devil has it. I simply cannot remember what I did with that manuscript."[9] After Buck died in 1973, her heirs reported it stolen. It finally turned up at Freeman's Auctioneers & Appraisers in Philadelphia around 2007 when it was brought in for consignment. The FBI were notified and it was handed over by the consignor.[10]
- Jump up^ Canby, Henry Seidel. "The 100 Outstanding Books of 1924 – 1944". Life Magazine, 14 August 1944. Chosen in collaboration with the magazine's editors.
- Jump up^ Mike Meyer (March 5, 2006). "Pearl of the Orient". The New York Times. Retrieved 2011-10-10.
- Jump up^ William L. O'Neill, A Democracy At War: America's Fight At Home and Abroad in World War II, (Harvard University Press, 1997), p 57.
- Jump up^ Walter Lafeber. The Clash: U.S.-Japanese Relations Throughout History. (New York; London: Norton, 1997), p. 206.
- Jump up^ Peter J. Conn. Pearl S. Buck: A Cultural Biography. Cambridge England ; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996. P. 345.
- Jump up^ Lester, Patrick (June 28, 2007). "Missing Pearl S. Buck writings turn up four decades later". The Morning Call (Lehigh Valley). Retrieved 8 October 2013.
- Jump up^ "Good Earth Unearthed: Buck’s Missing Manuscript Recovered". FBI Stories. 27 June 2007. Retrieved8 October 2013.
Further reading[edit]
- W. John Campbell: The Book of Great Books: A Guide to 100 World Classics. Barnes & Noble Publishing 2002, ISBN 978-0-7607-1061-6, pp. 284–294 (restricted online copy, p. 284, at Google Books)
- Charles Hayford, "What's So Bad About The Good Earth?," Education about Asia, volume 3, number 3, winter 1998.
- Hilary Spurling. Burying the Bones: Pearl Buck in China. (London: Profile, 2010. ISBN 978-1-86197-828-8). Published in the United States as Hilary Spurling. Pearl Buck in China : Journey to the Good Earth. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2010. ISBN 978-1-4165-4043-4).
TIMELINE: A history of recent ISIS, al-Qaeda attacks
CBC News Posted: Nov 16, 2015 1:38 PM ET Last Updated: Nov 16, 2015 2:23 PM ET
The Islamic State of Syria and Iraq have in recent weeks claimed responsibility for the downing of a Russian jetliner and a series of deadly attacks in Paris. Over the past two years, the extremist group, along with al-Qaeda, have devastated countries around the globe. Here is a brief chronology of some of their deadliest attacks.
Oct. 21, 2014
Soldier killed in fatal hit-and-run attack
North America
Oct. 22, 2014
Radicalized gunman attacks Parliament Hill
(Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau shoots and kills a soldier guarding the National War Memorial before storming Parliament Hill's Centre Block.
North America
Dec. 15, 2014
2 people killed in Sydney siege
(Sergio Dionisio/EPA)
Two hostages are killed during a 16-hour siege at a Sydney cafe. The gunman, Man Haron Monis, is later killed when police stormed the building.
Jan. 7, 2015
Gunmen attack Charlie Hebdo office, grocery store
(Thibault Camus/Associated Press)
Gunmen storm a kosher grocery store and the office of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, spurring a massive manhunt. The al-Qaeda-linked attacks are believed to have been launched in response to the paper's controversial publication of drawings of Muhammad.
Jan. 27, 2015
ISIS-affiliated group claims responsibility for Tripoli hotel attack
A Libyan affiliate of ISIS claims responsibility for an attack on a Tripoli luxury hotel that killed 10 people, including an American and four Europeans.
Middle East
Jan. 29, 2015
26 killed in Egypt attack
(Imbraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters)
ISIS militants strike more than a dozen army and police targets in the Sinai Peninsula.
Middle East
Feb. 14, 2015
Gunman storms Copenhagen
Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein storms a cultural centre and later a synagogue. The gunman, who earlier pledged allegiance to ISIS, kills two people before he is shot and killed.
March 19, 2015
21 killed in Tunisia attack
(Zoubeir Souissi/Reuters)
The Islamic State group claims responsibility for an attack on the National Bardo Museum in Tunisia. Twenty-one people, many of them foreign tourists, were killed in the siege.
North Africa
March 20, 2015
137 killed in mosque attacks
(Khaled Abdullah/Reuters)
Suicide bombers attack two mosques, killing 137 people in Yemen. The White House later questions the veracity of ISIS's claim of responsibility.
Middle East
May 22, 2015
Shia mosque in Saudi Arabia attacked
ISIS claims responsibility for an attack on a Shia mosque in Saudi Arabia. The suicide bombing kills 21 people.
Middle East
May 22, 2015
Explosion wounds 13 in Yemen mosque
A bomb explodes at a mosque in Sanaa, Yemen, wounding 13 people.
Middle East
May 29, 2015
4 killed in bomb attack
Four people are killed after a bomb explodes outside a mosque in Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
Middle East
June 17, 2015
Co-ordinated car bombings devastate Yemen
Dozens are injured when four car bombs are detonated in Yemen. ISIS claims responsibility for the attack.
Middle East
June 26, 2015
Suicide attack kills 27
A suicide attack on a Shia mosque kills 27 and wounds more than 200.
Middle East
June 26, 2015
38 dead in beach hotel attack
(Kenzo Tribouillard/AFP/Getty Images)
A gunman disguised as a tourist opens fire and kills 38 tourists staying at a Tunisian hotel. ISIS claims responsibility for the attack.
Middle East
Aug. 6, 2015
15 killed in mosque bombing
ISIS claims responsibility for a suicide bombing at a Saudi Arabian mosque. At least 15 people are killed.
Middle East
Oct. 6, 2015
ISIS claims responsibility for Yemen attacks
Four co-ordinated attacks involving suicide bombers leave 22 dead in Aden, Yemen.
Middle East
Oct. 31, 2015
Russian jetliner crash kills 224
(Peter Kovalev/Reuters)
A Russian jetliner crashes after leaving Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. Investigators later say they believe the jet was downed by explosives. ISIS later claims responsibility for the attack.
North Africa
Nov. 12, 2015
43 killed in Beirut suburb
Two suicide bombings strike the southern region of Beirut during rush hour. At least 43 people are killed and 239 wounded.
Nov. 13, 2015
More than 100 killed in Paris attacks
(Thibault Camus/AP)
A series of six co-ordinated attacks at a soccer game, a concert and restaurants grips Paris. At least 120 people are killed in the attacks.
North America
Oct. 22, 2014
Radicalized gunman attacks Parliament Hill
(Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau shoots and kills a soldier guarding the National War Memorial before storming Parliament Hill's Centre Block.
North America
Dec. 15, 2014
2 people killed in Sydney siege
(Sergio Dionisio/EPA)
Two hostages are killed during a 16-hour siege at a Sydney cafe. The gunman, Man Haron Monis, is later killed when police stormed the building.
Jan. 7, 2015
Gunmen attack Charlie Hebdo office, grocery store
(Thibault Camus/Associated Press)
Gunmen storm a kosher grocery store and the office of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, spurring a massive manhunt. The al-Qaeda-linked attacks are believed to have been launched in response to the paper's controversial publication of drawings of Muhammad.
Jan. 27, 2015
ISIS-affiliated group claims responsibility for Tripoli hotel attack
A Libyan affiliate of ISIS claims responsibility for an attack on a Tripoli luxury hotel that killed 10 people, including an American and four Europeans.
Middle East
Jan. 29, 2015
26 killed in Egypt attack
(Imbraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters)
ISIS militants strike more than a dozen army and police targets in the Sinai Peninsula.
Middle East
Feb. 14, 2015
Gunman storms Copenhagen
Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein storms a cultural centre and later a synagogue. The gunman, who earlier pledged allegiance to ISIS, kills two people before he is shot and killed.
March 19, 2015
21 killed in Tunisia attack
(Zoubeir Souissi/Reuters)
The Islamic State group claims responsibility for an attack on the National Bardo Museum in Tunisia. Twenty-one people, many of them foreign tourists, were killed in the siege.
North Africa
March 20, 2015
137 killed in mosque attacks
(Khaled Abdullah/Reuters)
Suicide bombers attack two mosques, killing 137 people in Yemen. The White House later questions the veracity of ISIS's claim of responsibility.
Middle East
May 22, 2015
Shia mosque in Saudi Arabia attacked
ISIS claims responsibility for an attack on a Shia mosque in Saudi Arabia. The suicide bombing kills 21 people.
Middle East
May 22, 2015
Explosion wounds 13 in Yemen mosque
A bomb explodes at a mosque in Sanaa, Yemen, wounding 13 people.
Middle East
May 29, 2015
4 killed in bomb attack
Four people are killed after a bomb explodes outside a mosque in Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
Middle East
June 17, 2015
Co-ordinated car bombings devastate Yemen
Dozens are injured when four car bombs are detonated in Yemen. ISIS claims responsibility for the attack.
Middle East
June 26, 2015
Suicide attack kills 27
A suicide attack on a Shia mosque kills 27 and wounds more than 200.
Middle East
June 26, 2015
38 dead in beach hotel attack
(Kenzo Tribouillard/AFP/Getty Images)
A gunman disguised as a tourist opens fire and kills 38 tourists staying at a Tunisian hotel. ISIS claims responsibility for the attack.
Middle East
Aug. 6, 2015
15 killed in mosque bombing
ISIS claims responsibility for a suicide bombing at a Saudi Arabian mosque. At least 15 people are killed.
Middle East
Oct. 6, 2015
ISIS claims responsibility for Yemen attacks
Four co-ordinated attacks involving suicide bombers leave 22 dead in Aden, Yemen.
Middle East
Oct. 31, 2015
Russian jetliner crash kills 224
(Peter Kovalev/Reuters)
A Russian jetliner crashes after leaving Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. Investigators later say they believe the jet was downed by explosives. ISIS later claims responsibility for the attack.
North Africa
Nov. 12, 2015
43 killed in Beirut suburb
Two suicide bombings strike the southern region of Beirut during rush hour. At least 43 people are killed and 239 wounded.