Israel, free new Jin from the Start-Up bottle
Gregory Chernizer, Ph.D
Proprietary FM-UD Intellectual Property Author&Owner Produces Profitable Immortal Funds for 40 years at FM-UD
Gregory Chernizer + titles, CVTA-22 author
Israel, free new Jin from the Start-Up bottle.
There are no analogies and axioms in CVTA-22. Pure dynamic Financial Markets funds science is in it with the necessity and sufficient conditions were involved in never existed fundamental the deterministically quantitative predictive calculation. Jin is CVTA-22 Analytic starting the new?Predictive Deterministic?branch of science of FM funds, their?portfolios that is the Deterministically Predictive Behavior Economics (DPBIE). It is the Dynamic Deterministic Economics?science (DDES) started from CVTA-22 and edited in 2023 that is ready to embed it into portable PC. It has nothing in common with Game theory and far from empiric approaches in Investment Economics (IE) without any economics “fragrant” at Start-Ups being far from causation economic fundamental principle so much important in the necessity condition to the Dynamic Economics Principle (DEP) needed to the strategic decision making. Zero CVTA-22’ level, the Volume Arithmetic, created the necessity DEP that was not ever known to the world of IE. You cannot start investment without directional and, desirably, quantitative funds scientific prediction, otherwise it leads investor overall to a gambling in IE. I never heard or read anything from the news on a theme of proven the necessity DEP condition (NDEPC)’s existence while the sufficient DEP condition (SDEPC) fund dynamic condition is known to everyone as the non-zero price volatility. It is evident on the surface of events. Existed axiomatic NDEPC conceptions are weak and forceful needed to the causation advance science. NDEPC contribution to DEP leads me to the conclusion why IE public-private price-equities increments vectors are not predictive for the funds cycles for a century. Funds human management overperforms over performs IE technologies and it lost to CVTA-16 that is weaker compared to CVTA-22 that will occupy the chapters in future IE textbooks. Tests cannot be a proof, they are confirmation to analytics regardless to its existence at the time. For instance, the human detected the only one to me unique magnificent event in price at the price chaotic space experiment eight decades ago. This discovery belongs to American accountant Mr. Ralph Nelson Elliott detected (5; 3) price increment quantitative vectors named the Elliott Waves (EW) related to the bull ideal trend (IT) and bear (5; 3) IT at FM funds. CVTA-22 discovered them theoretically eight decades later on the paper with DEP and the entropy quantitative principle while for the last century. EW do not follow from kinematic, empiric, Alternative Investments and Big Data technologies. They do not reveal funds cycles for than a couple centuries. Funds human management overperforms over performs IE technologies and it lost to CVTA-16 that is weaker compared to CVTA-22 that will occupy the chapters in future IE textbooks. Tests cannot be a proof. They are the confirmation to analytics regardless to its existence at the time. For instance, the human detected the only one to me unique magnificent event in price at the price chaotic space experiment eight decades ago. This discovery belongs to American accountant Mr. Ralph Nelson Elliott detected (5; 3) price increment quantitative vectors named the Elliott Waves (EW) related to the bull ideal trend (IT) and bear (5; 3) IT at FM funds. CVTA-22 discovered them theoretically eight decades later on the paper with DEP and the entropy quantitative principle while for the last century. EW do not follow from kinematic, empiric, Alternative Investments and Big Data technologies. They do not NDEP scientific condition. I tried contact IL Universities asking for presentations and ??got fron it the full silence to my sent letters at the time when IL Pension Funds system was in trouble. Analytics can be produces exclusively by the human. CVTA-22 is the breakthrough started DPBE branch of IE science. It starts from the proven causation deterministic Dynamic Economic Principle (DEP), discovered the Volume Excess Waves prediction (VEW) outperformed human, AI, Big Data and machine learning fantasy based on price’s prevailing 600 influencers. Its predecessor ?CVTA-16 delivers gross annual profit (gap) in amount from +11% to +36% confirmed by broker companies demo tests?as the Profitable Immortal Funds (PIF) for decades under non-interfered, non-compounded and the only first working day of a month open an investing trade. CVTA-22 is the analytic that may be easily embedded in portable PC. Israel Universities, Bank and financial firms, politicians ignored my letters in asking presentation in the proven transparent and elegant theorems left CVTA-22 analytics in silence. CVTA-22 is ugently needed? to ?in Pension, Hedge, and Wealth, Insurance, Investment Banking Funds and private investments. Guess, why was it? I believe the certain circles in academia, FM practitioners and their political lobbyist’s fear of the new most advanced science, analytics over performs the existing non-scientific technologies. It looks to me that Israel is afraid of CVTA-22 holding it in silence. I wish my published the unique scientific discoveries would be known to the world’s investors and up to the Stockholm Nobel Prize (NPZ) Committee in Economics instead of Israel silence as an obstacle to CVTA-22 objective award submission. I wanted to be useful in avoiding tremendous losses in IL domestic and foreign consulted Pension Funds (2022). Therefore, I tried to contact influential politicians, Ministry of Finance, Head of Financial Committee since the end of 2021.?Do you need more similar examples despite my info above? I am ready for CVTA-22 professional Think Tanks and Master Class presentations world- widely. IL Universities, politicians wake up otherwise it will?br repeated pension fund (PF) losses?of 2022 in amount of minus -25% at extreme to minus -18% by the end of 2022, and the same with IL financial firms (ff) delivery to Norwegian PF minus -USD174 billion in first five month of 2022, ?fired immediately. Starting since 2021 I offered my of presentation and help to IL Universities, PF, member of Knesset, Ministry of Finance ?Avigdor Lieberman, Minisrry ol innovation science and technology Ofir Akunis at that time and for, instance, professor of Economics Jerusalem University Eugene Kandel. ?All of them produced perfect silence despite my published papers were in demand all over the world. I would ask you, any IL investor and pension funds’ holders whether domestic Investment Economics ought to follow to phenomenological technologies of, at least 600 variables of price dependence that is still far from the Fundamental Investment Economics (FIE) science with an empiric view, gaming with funds. It is ?from DEP and friendly dirty conventionalism in holding professor E. Kandel’s job security position. Regress in science and teaching IE behind the time of FIE innovation is the Kandel’s professional strategy to keep me in a silence. I assume Mr. Lieberman follows E. Kandel as ?an expert in Economics. Are you, professor E. Kandel, ready now to a dialogue with me on the theme of my contributive CVTA-22 proposals to the country’s best in any auditorium, audience, Think Tank at your convenience any time?
Why CVTA-22 is pretended to be noticed? It contributes to the existed Behavior Economics as the innovative, fundamental, causation and quantitative funds Deterministic Predictive Investment Behavior Economics (DPBIE). I started and derived the necessity condition (NC) to complete the Dynamic Economics Principle (DEP) while the sufficient condition (SC) is in non-zero price volatility follows from the common sense. NC and SC make predictive FM funds CVTA-22 analytic system scientifically fundamental. There are the main problems with existed in the history of Investment Economics funds’ investment technologies: they are not fundamental based on NC that is not enough in developing their predictive fundamental analytics. DEP is the litmus paper to FM public and private funds’ price-equities increments predictive quantitatively trend research.
CVTA-22 analytics is?ready to delivery gross profit +407% in nine cycle's strategic trades at structured 16 market orders Volume Excess Waves (VEW)' cycle (5; 3; 8) recognized?by CVTA-22 analytics in database price chaos. Parental VEW cycle’s quantitative structure in NCES mapping it onto price axis (5; 3) confirms the nature of EW existence cycle at various charts regardless of their time-scaled db updating. Despite VEW is much younger EW they are parental to EW cycle scientifically revealed their transparent micro-predictive features quantitatively in causation formation. It is the exclusive contribution to DPBE when the CVTA-22 theory discoveries, early recognized analytically FM trend that enriches it in creation Dynamic Deterministic Economics Science (DDES). VEW few transparent?paradoxes were discovered. ?For instance, it is proven that price does not move along p-axis. Its increment vector assigns a scalar price value by VEW increments vectors propagation moVE. Time is a witness of FM events, and it does not involve explicitly in predictive equations. I am ready to prove in theorems and confirm in practice that CVTA-22 is the most advanced fundamentally, deterministically predictive science in the world Investment Economics revealed three basic vectors produce three DPBE constants moving DPBE towards the basic science.
IL, free new Jin from the Start-Up bottle in a favor of the science and social life. ?
Gregory Chernizer + titles, CVTA-22 author + my publication on the theme may delivery simply to IL weekly USD 1 million in 5 working days (20 professionals * USD 50K) income lecturing to 30 -40 groups a year in amount of 30-40 USD million lecturing with application CVTA-22 ??the top foreign funds’ managers in theory and practice of VEW recognition and the investment procedure for up to the end of VEW cycle. “Why? and How?” quantitatively in connection with liquidity and funds’ immunity holding frame’s trend at db chaos are always in Master Classes dialogue.
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