ISO 9001 2015
Saurabh Kumar Rai
Head of Technical Operations @ Njord | Decarbonization, Sustainability, Performance and Project Management
ISO 9001 2015 also talks about Environment for the operation of Process under code 7.1.4, but how many companies are actually working towards providing environment with social, psychological and physical care. It does exist in some way of the other but never challenges the full issue.
I came across an article today morning about work place stress, I think it's equally applicable to the full set of employees. I am sure most of us would agree to this.
"Workplace stress is increasingly affecting the health of employees, according to global health service company Cigna. The survey of 13,000 people over 23 markets revealed 84% of people believed they suffered from stress, with 13% unable to manage. The “always on” work culture, accelerated by smartphone use, was a key factor for employees aged 35 to 49 with childcare responsibilities and elderly parents: 87% say they are stressed at work, with 64% claiming pressure to answer emails at night and on weekends."