ISO 9000:2015...It is not as hard to use as many think...

ISO 9000:2015...It is not as hard to use as many think...

ISO 9000 is the international standard for companies that produce products and /services. It was first published in 1987and had its latest update in 2015. There are many consulting firms that can help companies/clients understand the standard,help them learn what their business position is to the standard and/or prepare how to get certified to it. However, most, if any, do not do any of this for free... This is where we are different...

Kurkowski-Windecker? is a Global Think Tank Consultancy of senior professionaIs that focus on Business Improvement and New Technology in diverse disciplines and cross industries. Each of our associates has decades of experience and has worked for some of the largest and best known consultancies and clients around the world.

We have a carefully chosen network of Strategic Business Partners who Think like us. This allows us to bring clients a full set of solutions to their business improvement needs.

With Innovative Thinking, we bring you BMI-9000?, a free method and process to quickly allow you to learn about the ISO 9000 standard (if you are not familiar), your business position to the standard and your Business Maturity Indicator (BMI). All you need to do is answer some multiple choice questions specifically related to the requirements. After submitting your responses, you will receive a no obligation report. The free 10 page report will show you your position to the ISO standard as well as provide you with your personal Business Maturity Indicator based on our exclusive Business Maturity Model criteria and rating indicators that are included in the report.

We are sincerely interested at helping companies be successful and align what they do to standards wherever they can. ISO is one type of standard, client standards are another. We bring this free service and report to help understand "Where You Are" and decide "Where You Want to Go". There is no obligation as we believe, if you are serious about improving your business, you will contact us because you will know and understand... "When White Hair and Gray Matter..."

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