ISO 55000 : Elements of Asset Management System
ISO 55000 standards consist of three (3) documents to describes a management system for asset management.
- "ISO 55000 - Overview, principles and terminology" explain the terms definitions and Why should asset management implemented.
- "ISO 55001 - Asset management - Management systems - Requirements" specifies What an organization needs to do to fulfil the standards requirements. Explain more details about the elements of asset management system.
- "ISO 55002 - Management systems - Guidelines for the Application of 55001" further elaborate the elements of asset management system, describe How to implement the standards requirements.
Asset Management System
In summary, ISO-55000 series providing a structured approach to contract an asset management system. An asset management system is a set of interrelated and interacting elements of an organization, whose function is to establish the asset management policy and asset management objectives, and the processes needed to achieve those objectives. It is more than a management information system, but to provides a means for coordinating contributions and interaction between all functional units within an organization and external service providers.
A very typical life cycle for a physical assets (machine) start from identify the needs, design, construct, install, commissioning, operate, maintain, overhaul and finally dispose. Every single stage involve multiple functions interaction to get it done. Asset management system is the "engine" to drive these coordination to ensure delivering organization objective. In this article will focus on summarizing the seven (7) elements of asset management system described in the standards.
Context of the organization
When establishing asset management system, an organization should take into account its internal and external contexts. The internal context will be organizational culture and environment, the mission, vision and values of the organization. The external context normally includes the social, cultural, economic, physical environments, regulatory and other constraints.
- Understanding the organization and its context: Internal and external issues that are relevant to its purpose need to be determine. There is details checklist available at ISO 15002 page #3.
- Understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders: First is to identify stakeholders that are relevant to the asset management system. The understanding process can be done formally or informal manner, however it is important to document it systematically for further follow-up.
- Determining the scope of the asset management system: Determine the physical boundaries, applicable function, resource, period and scope of the asset management system.
- Asset management system: Outline how it will establish, implement, maintain and improve the system, including how to prioritize it. ISO 55001 can be use as the baseline to evaluate the gaps. The asset management system should not stand alone, it should have the ability to integrate with other organizational functions, e.g. quality, accounting, safety, risk and human resources.
Top management and leaders at all levels should ensure the asset management system alignment to other management systems within the organization. They are also responsible to have bidirectional communication with all employees, suppliers and all stakeholders regrading the organization’s asset management objectives and the importance of its asset management system. Understand the needs and conflicts to provide the support and sufficient resources to achieve the objective. It is the most critical success factor for an asset management implementation.
- Leadership and commitment: top management should positively influencing the organization. Individual can be appointed to oversee the asset management but ownership and accountability should remains at the top management level.
- Policy: The asset management policy is a short statement that sets out the principles by which the organization intends to apply asset management to achieve its organizational objectives. Should be well documented, available to all stakeholder and proactively communicate within the organization.
- Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities: It should be clear which role is responsible for which activity and document it as job descriptions. When assigning roles to individual, competency and workload should be well consider. The interfaces between organizational functions should be clearly established as well.
Organizational plan (might also called as corporate plan) will derived the strategic asset management plan (SAMP), which also be called as asset management strategy. It will further derived into asset management plans that should define the activities to be undertaken on assets and should have specific and measurable objectives (e.g. timeframes and the resources to be used). Following chart will visualize the relationship flow:
- Actions to address risks and opportunities for the asset management system: Initiate from identified organization context, stakeholders needs and expectation. Can consider to adopt SWOT analysis if needed. Determine priority assessment criteria (e.g. likelihood and consequence, and risk attitude) helps decision making especially resources is always a constrain.
- Asset management objectives and planning to achieve them: The asset management objectives, derived as part of the SAMP, provide the essential link between the organizational objectives and the asset management plan that describe how those objectives are going to be achieved. Defined method and criteria for decision making and prioritizing of the activities and resources in managing the assets over their life cycles.
The asset management system will require collaboration among many parts of the organization, resource sharing is unavoidable. Thus, it is crucial to ensure close cooperation with the resource management system to ensure effectiveness. These two systems should be mutually supportive.
- Resources: Mapping the required resources (should consider both internal and external resources), determine gaps after availability alignment with resource management system. Identified gaps should be resolve with defined method and criteria for decision making and prioritizing of the activities and resources.
- Competence: The organization should determine the competences, knowledge, skills and experience required for all asset management roles and responsibilities. Training plan need to build on top of gaps analysis.
- Awareness: All stakeholders include staff, contractors, internal or external service providers, and suppliers should have appropriate awareness of asset management policy and important of asset management. Proactive awareness programs should be done periodically.
- Communication: Communication plan and its content should be accurate, clear and consistent. Including what, who, when and how to communicate.
- Information requirements: Systematic approach to identify the information needs. Base on the information needs, map out data require data and derived data collection strategies and data processing mechanism, can be display in dashboard. Refer to ISO55001 page #17 & #18 for some guidance on identify requirements.
- Documented information: Asset documents throughout the entire life cycle must we well organize. It should be utilize to store all the standards and reports for easy access as well. Updating and archive procedure should be well defined and train all stakeholders. Nowadays, organization should consider keeping both hardcopies and softcopies to the cloud.
The organization’s asset management system should enable the directing, implementation and control of its asset management activities, including those that have been outsourced. Change of plan is unavoidable but it can introduce new risks, thus risk assessment and control measure need to be well managed.
- Operational planning and control: establish operational planning and control processes in order to support the effective delivery of the activities contained within the asset management plan. Identify who is responsible for the planning and how the defined activities will be executed, including how risks arising during the planning and execution will be managed and controlled.
- Management of change: changes should be evaluated and mitigating actions should be taken prior to implementation. The organization should review the consequences associated with both planned and unplanned changes and take the necessary action to mitigate any foreseen adverse effects.
- Outsourcing: When the organization outsources any activities that can have an impact on the achievement of its asset management objectives, it shall assess the associated risks. The organization shall ensure that outsourced processes and activities are controlled.
Performance Evaluation
All successful system would required feedback mechanism and the first step is performance evaluation. Effective asset data management and the transformation of data to information is a key to measuring asset performance. Asset management performance should then be evaluated against whether the asset management objectives have been achieved, and if not, why not. The results of performance evaluations should be used as inputs into management reviews. Performance measures can be direct or indirect, financial or non-financial.
- Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation: A set of performance indicators should be developed to measure the asset management activity and its outcomes. Measurements can be either quantitative or qualitative, financial and non-financial. Indicators should provide useful information to determine both successes and areas requiring corrective action or improvement. Refer ISO 55002 page #21 to page #23.
- Internal audit: conduct internal audits at planned intervals to provide information to assist in the determination on whether the asset management system is effectively implemented and maintained, any continual improvement opportunities.
- Management review: Top management shall review the organization’s asset management system, at planned intervals, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.
Opportunities for improvement can be determined directly through monitoring the performance of the asset and asset management system. However, improvements should be risk assessed prior to being implemented.
- Nonconformity and corrective action: Establish plans and processes to control nonconformities and their associated consequences, to minimize any adverse effects on the organization and on stakeholder needs and expectations. This can be accomplished by documenting and reviewing past nonconformities, evaluating how the consequences were dealt with, and by determining methodologies to prevent future nonconformity.
- Preventive action: Establish processes to proactively identify potential failures in asset performance and evaluate the need for preventive or predictive action. Utilizing the organization risk identification and assessment procedure throughout the entire asset's life cycle.
- Continual improvement: continually improve the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of its asset management. Opportunities for improvement should be identified, assessed and implemented across the organization as appropriate, through a combination of monitoring and corrective actions for the assets, asset management, or asset management system. Continual improvement should be regarded as an ongoing iterative activity, with the ultimate aim of delivering the organizational objectives.
Summary of relationship between key elements of an asset management system.
If you are interested to know more, I would advice you to refer back to the original ISO documents. Next, I will continue my reading on "Asset Management - an Anatomy" publish by the Institute or Asset Management (IAM). Let's see if we can synchronize both standards and methods into practical guidance for us on asset management approach. Stay tune.
*Note: Studies during my PMP certification helps a lots of my reading and summarizing the ISO standards.
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1 年Excellent, very detailed, and well explained; thanks a lot.
Coordinator at SAZ
1 年Ordain Murambiwa
Digital Transformation
1 年Very detailed post about the merits of iso55001