ISO 27000 or ISO 27001?
If your business deals with sensitive information, you must gain and maintain your clients' trust. The ISO 27001 security standards come into play here.
You can instantly discover why information security is more crucial than ever by opening any news app. Every 39 seconds, a new cyberattack is launched, and each one costs businesses.
If your business deals with sensitive information, you must gain and maintain your clients' trust. The ISO 27000 security standards come into play here.
Several sets of rules make up the ISO 27000 family of standards, which all work toward certifying a company's information security procedures. The primary worldwide standard is ISO 27001, whereas the other standards offer information security best practices that independent auditors and certification bodies can use to vouch for your internal information security procedures.
One of the finest ways to demonstrate to potential customers that you can be trusted to protect their data is with an ISO 27001 Certificate. This handbook contains all the information you need to know regarding audit procedures and what information you must record.
Is ISO/IEC 27000 a thing?
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission jointly publish the ISO 27000 set of standards to assist businesses in strengthening their information security management frameworks (ISMS).
The goal of this ISMS is to reduce risk in relation to the three components of information security—people, procedures, and technology.
There are 46 distinct standards in the ISO/IEC 27000-series, including ISO 27001.
Its foundation is ISO 27001, which describes the conditions for putting an ISMS into place. The sole ISO 27000 series standard that businesses can be inspected and certified against is ISO IEC 27001:2013.
Even while not all ISO standards will apply to your business, it's still beneficial to gain a general understanding of ISO 27000 and its guiding ideals, such as the specifications for creating an ISMS.
Let's define an ISMS in greater depth since it is essential to the ISO 27000 standard.
The full collection of procedures a company employs to deal with safe data is referred to as an information security management system. Information assets should be shielded from unwanted access to proactively identify and mitigate risk, and ensure data availability by ISMS.
An ISMS is typically thought of in terms of hardware and software. The concept is larger under ISO 27000 and includes procedures, rules, plans, and culture.
What do ISO 27000 standards entail?
There are 12 distinct standards on the list of ISO 27000 standards. If you need a certificate, the only set that is required is ISO 27001. However, having some familiarity with the others can help you choose which ones apply to you.
ISO/IEC 27001
The security procedures required to protect client data appropriately are described in ISO 27000. These principles are met in the actual by ISO 27001 Certification. Businesses execute the requirements defined in ISO 27000 standards and use an ISO 27001 audit to confirm the efficiency of their ISMS.
The requirements for creating an ISMS that complies with ISO 27001 are listed. The ISMS needs to:
An organization may employ one of the 114 specific ISO 27001 controls listed in Annex A to comply with these standards.
Also, Check -->> How long does it take to get ISO 27001 Certified?
How do I become certified for ISO 27000?
In theory, you don't.
Just to clear up any misunderstanding, ISO 27000 certification does not exist. The ISO 27001 standard specifies how to certify a company as adhering to any of ISO 27000's requirements.
Now that is out of the way, how can you become certified for ISO 27001?
By thoroughly comprehending ISO 27000 requirements, you can begin the ISO 27001 certification procedure. Study ISO 27017 and ISO 27018, for instance, if you keep a portion of your infrastructure on the cloud. Study ISO 27701, etc., if your consumers are in the EU.
Make sure your ISMS is up to standard as your next action. Here, ISO 27003 will be useful. It's time for the risk assessment if your documented ISMS complies (at least on paper) with all pertinent controls in each area of ISO 27000.
As you develop your risk assessment procedure, use ISO 27005's guidelines as a guide. It will highlight the areas where your ISMS falls short of compliance and highlight which unabated hazards pose the greatest danger of negative outcomes.
Information security is essential in the ever-evolving cybersecurity world, which is why ISO 27000 has such a strict set of guidelines.
A compliance platform can make the certification process for ISO 27001 more transparent and efficient. Make a demo appointment right away for knowledgeable explanations.