Isn't it time #Passwords became redundant?
Martin Johnson
Company Director/ Consultant at HPMC STAFFORD LTD specializing in comprehensive commercial services
An email was delivered to me today from, they declared that my email address had been compromised...the most surprising fact about this is that details of millions of people had experienced the same thing, but its only taken Yahoo THREE YEARS to let us know!!!
Mind you Yahoo are undergoing a buy-out by Verizon but know doubt under scrutiny, even more so with any business there comes a time to declare everything hence the aforementioned news.
Like you my email address is attached to other services, some financial and some personal...some even relate to business too...I haven't really sat down and recorded every transaction which I conduct on-line which involves a log in using a password but I can imagine its a fair few.
I appreciate businesses which focus on on-line security and the professional specialists achieve great things in protecting businesses data, but as time and technology advances so does the #Dark Web and the people associated in hacking into accounts that contain high value information.
Being a Research and Development Associate has enabled me to look at what technology is available to counter act #Password vulnerability and in 2017 I will be in the position to deliver what is proofing to be solution to make on-line password and #pin fraud harder to complete.
The focus will be on simple integration and enabling a wide range of user-bases which adds a new effective method in protecting valuable data for those businesses who complete over a 1,000 transactions.
Will this tech make #Passwords and #Pin Numbers redundant?...time will only tell.