There isn't any “Shortcut to Success”. Actually, there is!

There isn't any “Shortcut to Success”. Actually, there is!

Do you wish to know why success eludes you while some are achieving it so easily without any hard work, experiment, disappointments and failures?

Success in Sales is Big. It delivers what every Sales Professional dreams to have, unlimited money, popularity, freedom, opportunities. It’s just Amazing.

Everyone wants to be big, successful, famous and rich. Let’s be straight. Everyone wants it and wants it desperately. And, the lesson we have been taught is to do “Hard Work” because it “pays-off.”

Let’s get the most famous one out of the way first: Hard work doesn’t pay off. Shocked?

If hard work pays-off then donkey would have been the king of the Jungle. But clearly he isn’t the King! Even physics or the law of nature says force applied in wrong direction doesn’t move the object.

Now, this is the reason why most of the Sales professionals struggle and give up because we believe in hard work, we believe in sweat, we believe in slogging. Our belief system has been shaped to believe “Slog is to win.” And, that’s the reason Sales Professionals have been slogging day and night for success and still struggling to meet their targets or even worst, getting laid-off. This makes you think, why it is so god dam hard to get success? How other people have been making it big? Why can’t it happen to me? What am I missing?

Jim Rohn once said "Work hard at your job and you can make a living. Work hard on yourself and you can make a fortune."

So, it is not the force, it is the direction that decides the destiny. That has been the secret sauce to massive success others have been enjoying. And, if you could find the right direction, destiny isn’t out of reach for you as well. Remember, 20% of your energy should be devoted to your work. 80% of your energy should be devoted to self-improvement. This is what fuels your work and makes it better than anyone else's.  And, this is that shortcut that leads to guaranteed success.

Now, the question arises, what is that right direction? So, here I laid down successful tips and I promise you none of these involve humongous tasks as tough as digging a mountain or something similar. In fact, it involves hardly zero to minimum extra efforts but leads to guaranteed success, cut short your journey and eliminate pain and failures.

1.      Shortcut to Preparation

Just as Talent is incomplete without success, success too is incomplete without Talent. Both are looking for each other. The question is, are you ready to been by the success?

As James Allen once said, your circumstances reveal you to yourself. If you are not as successful as you wishes to be then you are not doing the right things. Clearly, you are not ready to be chosen by the success. Let’s get you ready first.

“A cup that is full cannot be filled.” Your 24 hours’ time and efforts are already occupied but they aren’t clearly delivering success. And the fate is you cannot have more than 24 hours. So, first, you need unload unproductive activities to load productivity. And it starts with,

a.      Goal

“You can drift along or you can sail to your destination.” The journey without a destination is –wandering. Majority of Sales Professionals today rely on management to fix their goals, targets and in fact put together a plan of action as well to meet it. That’s not aiming for success. That’s drifting along.

Sailing to success is when you set your own targets, you put together a plan of action and you guide management to help you with resources to meet it. That is when, you are aiming. Otherwise, you are no more than a wanderer and wanderers don’t find destinations.

b.     Commit

Dreaming is not dedication. Success needs commitment. Commit to your success today and achieving it will just be the matter of time.

Dedicate “Time” to take steps towards Success. Ignore activities that keep you away from it. Personal Entertainment, Unproductive & Administrative tasks are keeping you away from achieving success. It needs to be replaced with activities such as “prospecting” – finding new leads, new connections, new companies, new decision makers…

If you like social media then be on Linkedin instead of Facebook; if you like videos, follow industry influencers than Traveler Bloggers; If you like reading books, read Sales Books instead of Rom Coms or thrillers. No extra efforts but results will surprise you.

c.      Fear

Fear is the biggest enemy one can have. It has killed more talents than Diabetes, cancer and smoking would have killed put together.

Sales professionals are afraid to try something new. Telephone fear, Cold Prospecting Fear, Field Sales fear, Blogging fear, Sales Presentations fear, New Skills fear, fear of leaving pay check and moving on to incentives and the list just goes on. The fear is keeping you away from success.

Look around you, how many people are there on the streets that are living on incentives every day without any fear. Milk Vendors, Vegetable Vendors, and highly successful professionals leaving their job for business. There are countless everyday success stories those who have chosen struggle over fear to become successful. Don’t be afraid. Destiny is hiding right behind your fear.

2.      Shortcut to Learning

Norman Schwarzkopf once said - "The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war." Sweating has no replacement. To succeed, you got to sweat. But the question is – how much? You have a choice of sweat to “reinventing the wheel” or let other’s sweat it out for you and you just enjoy the taste of glory.

For majority of the Sales Professionals, sales domain isn’t their first choice – a recent survey said. And, once you are in, you begin to explore and learn. Learning through experience is re-inventing the wheel. Its fine, it will eventually leads to success but how much time does it take? And as you know, we don’t have lots of time in Sales to prove our worth. So, how about cutting short your journey to about 80 or 90%? How?

Realize this, what you are going to discover after investing 5 years or more, someone has already discovered it, used it, succeeded and now busy teaching it to others. But we are lazy enough to find him. Instead, we try to do it on our own. Get over it, go out and find:

a.      Mentor

Be it past, present or future, success isn’t possible without a mentor. Jim Rohn mentored Tony Robbins to his massive success today; Warren Buffet mentored Bill Gates;

Even our Mythology is filled with stories of success of warriors. Great warrior with massive success and you know what is common about them, everyone had a mentor, a guru who blessed them with practical knowledge and solutions that he earned from his experience.

Mentor comes with massive knowledge, experience and network. And, just like a student needs a teacher to succeed, a teacher needs a student to pass on his legacy – his knowledge. His legacy is there for you to grab it and create success. Choice is yours to take it or leave it.

How do you get one for you?

It is so much easy to find one. Use Linkedin, identify leaders whose ideology resonate with yours, reach out to him, request his help, build relationship and he takes you whopping 8 steps forward.

b.     Accumulate Wealth of Knowledge

Books offer a great wealth of information. Look around in amazon and you have Sales Books written on every Sales subject possible. A CEO reads 52 books a year. How many do you read?

Books are not just wealth of information; every book contains a 15 to 20 years of experience packed within. If you could read 30 books a year, that’s massive 30 Books * 15 Years = 450 Years of Experience.

Imagine how fast you would be running when you are fueled with 450 years of experience. So, if you are serious about fast success, read books, join coaching session, attend seminars regularly and you will be shocked to see how your graph of success will shot out of the roof with minimum efforts.

3.      Shortcut to Training

Train to become what you dream to be. Training is dress rehearsal for success. And, right training can put you in the spot where you ought to be. But that’s possible only with right training.

So, what is right training?

You are what you chose to be. If you will train for football, you will end up becoming just another footballer. But if you train to be the best footballer in the world, you will become one.

“For fast success, consistently put yourself into Situations Others Can Only Dream Of.”

If you wish to be a top software developer, train yourself to build a product. If you wish to be a top executive, train yourself to build a business. If you wish to be a top marketer, train to build your personal brand. And, if you wish to be a Top Sales man, train yourself to sell complex and high ticket products to C-Level Customers of Million Dollar Firms.

Train yourself for the highest challenge and your transformation for success will amaze you.

4.      Shortcut to Building your Assets

Success cannot be imagined without assets. And, right assets are the ones that enable success. The sooner you build your assets, the quicker the success is.

But what are those right assets for Sales Professionals.

a.      Be Part Of A Great Team

As Jim Rohn rightly said, you are the average of 5 people you mostly associate with. If you are associated with cats, you will learn to “meow”; if you are a part of wolf pack, you will learn to hunt but if you are with lions, you rule.

Mark Zuckerberg invited 7 of his friends to discuss the idea of Social Networking Site. Only 3 showed up and now they all are multi-millionaires. And, you just witnessed the power of being with right people. Be with success hungry people and you will find success or path to success in no time.

b.     Build your net worth

For Sales People and Entrepreneurs as well, your network is your net worth. The bigger the network is, brighter the chances to succeed. Imagine the unlimited possibilities of having a massive network of business people, you will never run out of leads, jobs, ideas, positivity, opportunities…it’s just unlimited.

So, invest in building your network. Use your weekends and attend Meetups, Seminars, and Connect with people, use social sites to socialize. Invest time to connect with people in your breaks, free time and in no time, you will be amazed to see how your network start turning into your net worth.

So, what do you think? Which of these will top your list of implementation? And, if you liked the article, like, comment and share it to show you love. 


About the Author

Amit Sharma – heads Dishah Consultants – a Business Strategy, Sales Consulting & Training organization in Chennai. Businesses consult him to increase Sales Revenue and Sales Team Productivity. His recent book on Sales Strategy –“Sales Decoded” is among the best seller books.

Check out our Sales Consulting and Training Services here

Sales Decoded Book here

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