ISM New Voice: Dayton Phaneuf
What is your position and when did you get hired by ISM?
I joined ISM as an analyst trainee in November of 2022.
What attracted you most to ISM and why did you ultimately accept your position?
I had a friend who was working for ISM who spoke very highly about working there and they suggested that I should consider joining. So, I decided to apply and was fortunate to be selected for an interview during which it became clear that ISM is a company where I would be given the opportunity to learn a multitude of new skills and be able to grow.
How would you describe the overall work environment?
The work environment at ISM is a nice balance between being friendly while maintaining a professional workplace. I also enjoy the independence that the workplace provides while still being able to collaborate with my team do solve more complex issues.
What do you hope a new hire like yourself can contribute to your department??
I hope to be able to use my technical knowledge to help ISM grow and be part of the movement towards a brighter and cleaner future. I also plan to use the experience I accrue while at ISM to gain the opportunity to take on a larger role within the company.
What is one thing you wish you knew before you started working at ISM?
That an email signature could be save and automatically added to any sent emails instead of spending the first couple week copying and pasting my signature every time I needed to send a new email.??