ISM Freight Market Weekly Digest // week 30

ISM Freight Market Weekly Digest // week 30

Kindly assess the summary of last week's developments below. Access the complete content by signing up for a free trial period

Black Sea small-tonnage market remains hopelessly depressed and overtonnaged

Demand for small-tonnage vessels still looks extremely limited in the Black Sea. Grain traffic is gaining pace too slowly to push rates up, while shipments of other cargoes remain sporadic, providing almost no support. At the moment, the deal for shipment of 3-4,000 t of wheat from Izmail to EC Greece is discussed at $21/t, which is equivalent to around $1k daily bss RV or $1.4-1.5k daily bss dely Sulina entrance redel Greece.

Azov sea-river market keeps climbing up amid positional lack of vessels open for late July laycans

Despite still very poor activity, owners have managed to achieve some gains. Most owners are seeking to get at least $23/t for shipment of 3,000 t of wpb (sf 54-55`) or corn from Rostov/Azov to Marmara, while charterers are already forced to pay minimum $19/t in order to fix a vessel (equivalent to $1.8-1.9k daily vs. $1.3-1.4k daily bss dely Kerch straits redel Marmara).

Mediterranean coaster market still suffers cargo/tonnage imbalance

Fertilizer and steel traffic remains rather regular, but we can hardly expect any shifts in the market sentiment considering long tonnage list. Freight rates stay under charterers’ pressure. Owners' ideas for transportation of 7,000 t of BHF from Egypt Med to Castellon are voiced at around $23/t with spot laycans and 3000x/3000x l/d rates, while charterers offer $20/t, with the TCE closer to $4k daily for one laden leg, but only $1.2k daily bss RV.

Owners operating from ECSA managed to achieve higher Supramax/Ultramax levels

The ECSA Handy market continues in a steady fashion, with fairly balanced tonnage/cargo lists. T/A TCT rates for large Handy vessels bss APS ECSA are hovering at $16-17k daily; rates for smaller Handies are voiced at mid-$10s k daily.

Baltic & Continent: Traffic weak on Handysize/Supramax market

The cargo flow is supported by relatively regular shipments of European scrap and fertilizers, as well as of Russian coal. However, the current volumes are insufficient to cover the regional tonnage list and push the market up. Freight rates barely hold steady, with deals sometimes even signed below previous levels.

Supramax/Ultramax rates largely flat in Asia-Pacific region

Supramax/Ultramax owners are showing further resistance in the Asia-Pacific region thanks to livelier coal traffic from Indonesia and adverse weather conditions in SE Asia. A Supramax vessel has been fixed at $15k daily bss dely Vietnam via Indo redel Thailand. In the Handysize sector, the contract for a 32k dwt ship bss dely China redel SE Asia has been concluded at $13k daily.

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Chartering market at hand: coasters and minibulkers // week 30

Overall situation remains uninspiring

Coasters and minibulkers freight assessments // week 30

Chartering market at hand: Handysize and Supramax/Ultramax // week 30

Trends remain pretty mixed

Handysize and Supramax/Ultramax freight assessments // week 30

Chartering market at hand: Panamax and Kamsarmax // week 30

Things looking up for ship owners in both Hemis

Panamax and Kamsarmax freight assessments // week 30

Chartering market at hand: Capesize // week 30

No signs of recovery so far predicted on the market

Capesize freight assessments // week 30

Should you have any inquiries, feel free to reach out to our sales team directly: Anna Bavbekova, [email protected], +38 (067) 798 82 70


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