Islamists vs Everyone else. by Cathy Bilsky
I am tired of watching Muslims disrespect Christian ways. Disrupt people trying to Christmas shop, attacking Christmas trees with paint as well as scare little kids waiting to see Santa Claus all because it goes against their Islamic religion.
Then there are all their marches all over the wold which is a show of force.
Praying whenever they wish where ever they wish with their calls to prayers being blasted out so the whole town can hear. Many times throughout the day. They are letting people know this is now an Islamic area/town/country.
This should scare the crap out of you.
I am tired of radical Muslims who are trying to take everyone back into the stone ages with their sharia/dark middle ages laws.
This unending hatred for those of the Jewish faith that is endless and their final outcome is kill all Jews. (cancel, clear, delete)
If we as a group won't stop with them. The future will be pretty gloomy and dark for anyone not of the Islamic faith It's convert to Islam or die.
Talk about a group of people totally disconnected from the Creator.
If Muslims hate their new countries that they immigrated from than they can simply go back to their old country they supposedly fled from. Be amongst your own kind and stop trying to change western ways and values.
We are not interested in your Sharia laws that hate women and anyone not of your faith.
Islam is a death cult.I am not interested in any death cult.
I will stand with any country that is fighting radical Islam and that includes Israel.
If the term “Zionism” means this.... national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel.
Then I am on the Zion train. I prefer to stand with democratic countries . Given the choice of stand with Islam or Israel...... Israel wins hands down.
It's time for manifesting world could be a way out of this mess and on to a new enlightened timeline.