Islamic Feminism, Is It All Evil?!
I came across an article about Martin Luther 'Reformation Theologian' who changed the course of Christianity by making it more about God and for God and his people, it stated that he had '6' kids with his wife Katharina von Bora, and when not fighting for his cause spent his time helping her with raising their kids and house work, to the point that he the great head of a movement washed their diapers and when men and women of and people of his time would mock him and discourage him of being of help to his partner he would state:
' You may mock me but God and his angels up in heaven are cheering me.'
This man did the same that Prophet Mohamed PBUH did when not leading or being in service of his nation and people, being the head of one of the most influential religions and people at his time did not stop him from being at the service of his family, and when his wife mother of believers Asha PBUH was asked about what did he do when not leading his nation said:
' He used to keep himself busy serving?his family '
Today it is 1444 Hijri and to be honest
A lot have changed to the worse about the 'Muslim Male', I will call them majority of Muslim Guys 'Male', because anatomically they are 'Males' but when it comes to being a 'Man' they have a long way to go!
The problem with the 'Muslim Male' is just like the problem that every citizen faces with their state 'It is a one way or side relationship';
All kinds of obligations expected from 'Women and Girls' and so little or nothing at all to be expected from the 'Muslim Male'.
In an Era with every major religion returning back to the fundamental teachings within their religions, and fields emerging like:
Is it a crime that some women may step forward and say I want to rescue myself and others by studying my faith in depth and bring forth our God given rights that were buried by scholars and state to preserve the 'status Quo', if you want to know why some may do that pay a visit to courts, police stations, schools or any other institution to get a glimpse of the disaster that the Muslim nation is facing through evil men.
And just like those scholars have given rise to many injustice and atrocities occurring to innocent women and girls with the help of state and various groups, they have created women on the local and international level to divide the pie/cake among themselves and exclude everyone else, such women have written fake studies in such communities such as; Women/Girls numbers exceed million of times that of males and a lot will be 'Spinsters' and only way to tackle this is that males marry four women and girls, mind you that in such communities where they conduct those fake studies a male can not even sustain one wife and her kids lives well and at inheritance and divorce all kinds of crimes occur against those groups!
Islamic Feminism is not all evil, like all sciences it is 'A Double Edged Sword'; you can use anything either in halal/good or haram/bad/evil way.
For example you can not tell a victim of domestic violence, sexual harassment at work , victim of all kinds of evil to quit everything and lock herself at home, or there is no solution for them but you taking 'Happy Pill' or death, and leave the perpetrators without any sort of punishment or at some cases promote them to higher posts despite all the violations and wrongs they committed!
The victims of such catastrophic events will dedicate their lives freeing themselves from evil and others subjected to it, not by turning back on their faiths but by using 'Their Faith' that was weaponized against them and with it all their rights were stripped away.
The males of the faith have moved backwards to the ages of 'Jahiliyah' 'Pre-Islam' where girls were buried alive or just used for entrainment purposes!
Imagine if the male of such families that did all sorts of crimes after he had broken and destroyed his closest women and girls the fate that awaits such women and girls?!
He did not prepare them for the day that he dies or becomes fatally ill and they are left with no one but themselves to support themselves in this jungle called life, so what will be their fate?!
Just like Darwin Stated:
Survival of the fittest!
The beasts stronger than them will prey and feed upon them!
When you make the women and girls of your communities strong, you are empowering all those in their immediate and further circles of influence, just like a tree properly taken care of; so all humanity will benefit from them and will sit in their shed!
My concern is to gain my rights that my faith had provided and granted me with.
So what is 'Islamic Feminism'?!
Is pointing to and bringing forth the 'God Given Rights' with the faith of Islam to acquire and maintain their place in public and private sphere. It is different from other women movements in Arab and Muslim.
If one to be honest are women and girls in the Muslim world doing better or worse?!
Is equal opportunity on all levels provided to all of them or just those tied with connections to those in political, economic, religious or whatever arena that holds power?!
Is this hadith the state of affairs within the lives of millions of women and girls in the 'Islamic World'?!
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Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said: Assuredly, women are the twin halves of men, Only an honorable man treats women with honor and integrity, and only a vile dishonorable man humiliates and degrades women.
Sadly, that is not the case!