Islamic constitution for elimination of poverty is in the trilateral root letters 'N-F-Q'
Huzaifah Musharraf - ACA, CIMA, FMVA
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It has become super obvious now that the prevalent systemic poverty has no solution. And that any economic or political, or even philosophical constructs, around this thought have shown limited positive results, mostly time-bound, and hardly ever pervasive. I would genuinely call-out most of these attempts as an utter failure, or if not theoretically, then a practical quagmire to the very least.
The divide between the 1% and the 99% is phenomenally visible now, exceedingly increasing, and has no corrective measures taken, except superficial adjustments to base economic levers to make the disparity be felt less; whilst there should have been uprising against it, a social uproar, the screams of which could have been heard through the corridors of the policy makers and the 1%. Where's a Greta when you need one!
Its apparent that poverty is a deliberate economic outcome, structurally institutionalized, entrenched via a general social and moral thoughtlessness and forever enframed through something that Quran very profoundly describes in the simplest and yet such powerful phrase?????????????? ???????????
I remember my casual readings of this Surah Ma'oon, using the general English language translations, only to find a painted picture of a bad individual in society. However, given recent economic instability and upcoming recessionary crisis, my last two consecutive Fridays re-reads landed an absolutely different meaning. This Surah started defining a base constitution, a socio-economic framework for the moral law (to be implemented as deen "system") drawing attention on what goes wrong in the absence of this moral law.
In the shortest of paraphrasing possible, here is my takeaway of what the verse-by-verse meaning of this Surah looks like to me:
I am increasingly of the opinion that the most genuine of all moral compulsions in Quran is to part-ways with any form of wealth that is beyond the (calibrated) need of any individual or family. The trilateral root letters 'N-F-Q' therefore forms an extremely powerful expression in Arabic, that requires all focus. And yet this has been placed at the very backseats of all Islamic scholarship, probably only appearing as an after-thought.
Quran uses the derivative of this N-F-Q in the Surah 2:261
"the example of those who part-ways with their wealth only because of their believe in (the moral law of) Allah is that of a grain that sprouts into seven ears, each bearing one hundred grains. And Allah multiplies ?the reward even more? when He wills."
And it becomes clear that the prevalent capitalism-driven economic system creates individuals who are the exact anti-socio-moral construct as indicated in the Surah Ma'oon. We have these 1% being the ultimate beneficiaries of this corrupt structure, while the many within the 99% are fooled in an illusion of the overall economic empowerment and prosperity getting granted via stability of this very system, which lacks all forms of socio-economic-welfare nets available for the poverty stricken or otherwise fragile population to progress in life.
This psychology becomes even more clear through Qaroon (Korah) who is quoted in Quran to have justified holding wealth by saying?"all this I have earned by my own skills and knowledge". The very essence of capitalism breeds through these words.
And then comes another place in Quran Surah 9:34 that mentions
"As for those who keep hoarding wealth for themselves and do not part-ways with it (as required under the moral law) for Allah, warn them about a painful penalty that awaits. For the Day (is coming) when this hoarded treasure will be heated up in the fires of hell, and their foreheads, sides, and backs will be branded with it. And they will be mocked "now taste what you were hoarding!”
Ingenuity of well-read scholars, therefore, should not be towards driving a Sharia'h compliant version of asset management that practically flows wealth to the top of the pyramid, via inventiveness around the concept of Riba, etc or the religious brigade around institutionalization of Zakat or Sadaqat. Yes, I am calling all of you well-read scholars out.
Quran warns of this possibility of economic systems becoming increasingly unfair in its distribution of wealth across all corners of the society, particularly the ones in most need of it, and “that?wealth?may not merely circulate among your?rich”?(Surah 59:7)?
Our Sharia’h scholars must instead reframe the concept around wealth, it's role in the society and the very ideology around the hoarding it. Preservation of socio-economic wellness, as Quran emphasis, comes only when you hand this out to whoever has the need of it.
Time Value of Money has to be replaced by (ignore my naivety if this term already has a meaning but) Timely Utility of Money, so the flow automatically moves to the usage of it. If you have no timely need of it, you simply do not deserve to hold it.
And if you hold wealth nevertheless, then there should be backlash in the society, and then anyways the person will be taken to task for in an eternal system, on the day when everything reconstitutes across all-things-in-fairness. (or are the esteemed scholars continuously forgetting to make a mention of this). Give .. Give .. Give ..
I could be challenged on what I said, and it would be true that I am economically or religiously na?ve to grasp the larger context of what I might be saying in practice, but I am thoroughly convinced on the purposefulness of this as this is what’s been truly written in the stars.
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2 年The alternate translation provided is extremely powerful!