In Time space, generation of a set of events happened within time periods may occur. This set of events can be termed as an iteration. Heaven with respect to an iteration within a time space may be a viewpoint of a perspective from which events as outcomes from the set can be viewed as an observer, where viewpoint becomes independent of all other viewpoints in past, present and future. This iteration can be termed as an individual. There exists an attraction between a viewpoint and an individual. Attraction of viewpoint towards individual cannot be defined by individual. Observations can be made and results of learnings can be used to construe through the gathered information. This can cause assumptions to be made until tests are performed, required to validate the assumptions. Attraction of viewpoint towards individual can be termed as negative.
What can be defined, well by individual is its attraction towards the viewpoint. This can be termed as positive. Pulse is integral of Force as a function of time. With respect to positive, a viewpoint lies in the direction, where, with respect to a set of unit pulses, either length contracts or time dilates. Observation of length contraction or time dilation may depend on the frequency of pulses, a property set within the set of unit pulses. Set of pulses can be said to have character of a particle, if the pulses can be viewed as points. Pulses are disconnected. Set pulses can be said to have character of a wave, if the pulses, together be viewed as waves. Pulses are connected. Hence, life may show a character of a particle or a wave.