Isha Yoga Center - An explorers take
I was comfortable and at ease where I was. However I felt like I was being called to come meet the Adiyogi. I would like to believe in this global shift are all experiencing maybe something somewhere is aligning.
So I looked up travel options to Coimbatore from where the Isha Yoga Center is 45 mins away. Unfortunately no clear train routes displayed from Ahmedabad where I am currently at. I have often fancied a beautiful train journey with scenic views but I let go of that fancy and booked flight tickets to Coimbatore via Mumbai.
For a 5 day journey, I began with some clothes and cash handy. I was on a budget and in search of an adventure, this journey was not going to be my average vacation I was well aware. In many ways it was a lot more fulfilling than that.
I reached Coimbatore airport and hailed an airport cab to the Coimbatore Ashram right away. I wish I had researched the Bus routes from the airport as it costs merely 30-40 INR one trip by bus but I ended up paying 1400 INR. It was the start of the trip so I thought I can save more on the rest of my trip.
I reached the Ashram and they informed me Visitors without prior notice were not allowed in these times, so I was asked to go see the Shiva statue for now instead. I planned on crashing in the ashram somewhere for a few days and just figuring out the rest of my day from there. Unfortunately ashram is occupied by the program volunteers and a minimum stay there is expected to be of at least 60 days.
The driver was kind enough to drop me to the Adiyogi Shiva Statue and provided suggestions for hotels nearby. I and Rajesh (Driver) parted ways there and I was taken aback by how majestic the 112 ft tall Metallic structure was. There were many tourists, tour buses, families in cars all who come to visit the Giant local attraction.
There is a temple right before the statue with the embossed structures of Yogis who were a part of the inception of Sadhguru's yogic journey.
I spent some time sitting there, wondering if I could stay there in the hut nearby and use the common toilets if need be. Stargazing was sounding extremely tempting. Because the structure and the ashram is in middle of nowhere, I was slightly skeptical of wild animals in the forests we were surrounded by.
I looked up 'Hotels near me' and found some affordable 500-700 per night accommodations a few miles away. Sky was starting to darken and I was concerned how would I get there? I let Rajesh leave and none of the 'tour' buses were exactly a personal pick and drop for solo travelers such as me.
I waited by a board that said 'Call for Taxi' wondering what to do, When some yogi's got off a rickshaw at that exact pickup point. One of the Programs at the ashram is the 'Shivanga' program, which when translated means become a limb of Shiva. The sadhana is also an opportunity to make a pilgrimage to the sacred Velliangiri Mountains and to be initiated into Shiva Namaskar. Under this program Yogi's in group walk to and forth from the mountains and are dropped at this point.
The Rickshaw person offered me a ride for 500 INR but only if I am willing to share space with another 3 Yogi's in the vehicle. I agreed, just as I did, a Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC) bus stopped by. It was headed to Gandhipuram, state transport is very affordable in India so I chose to get into the bus and then walk to the hotel if necessary.
At 40 INR the bus conductor agreed to drop me to Gandhipuram Bus Station. I traveled by bus after eons and was so excited. After 20-25 minutes I reached Gandhipuram and found a hotel Nearby, Hotel Shona which showed the most affordable stay in the region online.
I was briefly stopped by a UNICEF volunteer and he asked if he could talk to me about neo natal care for 5 minutes. I agreed, and he explained the case of a little child 'Rishita' who was pre-mature and born with poor neo-natal care provided. She was taken care of medically by UNICEF volunteers who nurtured her back to health and now she is a healthy baby. I thought to myself 'What kind of sorcery is this now?' but I kept quiet and herd him out. I informed him 'While I care about many causes I prefer to spend my money wisely and will not make any commitments I wont keep.' I continued towards the hotel.
I asked the gentleman at the reception to provide me with an affordable stay, he agreed and showed me a card with options I can pick from. For 750 INR a night I agreed to stay there.
I wanted to enter the Isha Sanctuary for the Yogi's and see the Dhyanlinga among other things. I took a bus ride to the center from the Gandhipuram bus station and enjoyed lovely Tamil music on my way to the center. If you walk or take a bullock cart from the Statue toward the Isha center the main gate appears.
Beyond this point all electronics are not allowed, so I ill share stock images of the Isha center. The 2 main temples inside is that of the Kaal Bhairavi and the Dhyanlinga,
I was mesmerized by the Dhyanlinga, it is believed to be a stone of immense power. I meditated in the Dhynalina for an hour, enjoyed the Nada Aradhana done at the linga everyday and tried to find my way back to Gandhipuram.
The sweet Neera and Rose milk at the premises is so satisfying after some meditation and a walk in the sun. Everything I ate or drank in my time there was not more than 50 INR at a time.
I enjoyed a meal at the local food outlet and slept at the hotel. I visited the statue and linga on all days, one of which happened to be the Tamil new year; except the last.
During my time there, meditation was the highlight of my trip, but so were the people. All so very kind and helpful. I yearn for solo travels but safety of women in our country scares me. I enjoyed every bit of my time in Tamil Nadu and never did I feel like I was not with family. I was safe, secure and extremely well taken care of.
Plus who knew that Dosa's could taste sweet too!
#TNSTC #IshaYogaCenter #IshaAshram #HSofDivinity #HotelShona #CoimbatoreTourism #SpiritualTourism #SoloTraveler #AdiyogiStatue #ShivangaProgram #InnerEnginneringProgram #Gandhipram