ISFSI:Candidacy Vision- International Director post

ISFSI:Candidacy Vision- International Director post

Greetings Brothers & Sisters,

                                                   Over the next few weeks you will receive the ISFSI voting papers and note my name is proposed for the International Director position.

Whilst some of you already know me from FDIC and other ventures, I feel it is important to introduce myself and set out what I believe is important and what you can expect from me if I am to be elected to the post.

I have a background in Metropolitan Fire Services in the UK, also working as an Instructor, leading live fire training at the London Fire Brigade Training School and have authored “Fire Dynamics for Firefighters”- an introduction to fire science and scientific based Firefighting. “Reading Fire, Fighting Fire” is due for release April 2017. However, I am in the process of immigrating to the United States as all my family are US citizens, based in RI.

My ethos is that every Firefighter should have access to a universally accepted foundation level of both theoretical and practical training in fire dynamics, fire science and science based techniques.

Whilst excellent, diligent work and research has been & is being carried out in scientific Firefighting, with frequent dispatches from Underwriters Laboratories/ NIST, I believe there is a real case to “bridge the gap” between scientific data and how Firefighters apply this. Without being disparaging, the Firefighter on the ground has to be able to broadly understand & see how it applies to them on a day to day basis.

Having authored a national live fire training policy document in the UK, I believe that an agreed set of aims, objectives and national standards for both Firefighters and Instructors with regard to live fire & fire dynamics training is essential to achieving a universal foundation for all. I am aware that bureaucracy will prevent this officially within the US, however, I consider that a “Charter of Good Practise” containing this, championed by the ISFSI which organisations, academies, FDs can voluntarily sign up for will be a pivotal and crucial move towards increasing the knowledge and ability of every Firefighter.

As ISFSI International Director I will strongly push for the creation and publication of a document of this nature & it’s incorporation into all existing and planned ISFSI training programs.

With worldwide contacts, and as a member of various organisations, I am positioned to obtain the latest information, techniques & strategic updates from around the world and present them in a concise, simple & effective format where the ISFSI can either adopt, review or incorporate to existing or forthcoming programs.

My global connections also place me in a position to “recruit” more international members to the ISFSI who can bring skills, techniques and experience, as well as being able to generate synergy and potential collaborations with other international organisations with similar objectives such as the Institution of Fire Engineers.

I believe strongly in the unselfish contribution of our combined skills, knowledge and experience to further this profession. However, this can only happen if we address the roots and foundations. In position as the International Director, I will continue to strive ceaselessly to achieve this and a better, safer and more effective future for the Firefighters of today and tomorrow.

Thank you for reading.


Benjamin Walker BA (Hons) FIFireE的更多文章

