ISBM Accreditations
ISBM is ranked among the Top Business Schools for correspondence Education in India by various leading corporate business magazines like, Business Baron, Business Today, etc.
ISBM National and International Accreditations, Recognitions and Certifications are as below :-
ISBM is certified by ACS Registrars which is accredited by UKAS
Council Of Distance Learning India - [CODL]
British Standard institute - [BSI]
Associated with New London College, United Kingdom
Registered with Government of Maharashtra
Accreditation services for certifying bodies [ASCBE](Europe)
National Development Agency for higher education and management education [NCHEMS]
Partnered with Aptech testing services for online examination [ATTEST]
National Development agency, planning commission, Government of India
An organization working for the up liftment of the society by educating the students. Founded by Her Excellency Mrs. Salma Ansari [AL- NOOR]
Deutsche Akkreditierungs Rat [ DAR ]
International Business Education (IBE), Ukraine
Richfield University, Los Angeles, USA
ISBM is the first bearer of Globally Assured Mark for "Quality Education" in education sector.
The Council of EU Chambers of Commerce in India.