ISA/IEC 62443 Standards Overview (Part 2)
M. Yousuf Faisal
I help cyber & business leaders with Securing Things (IT, OT/ICS, IIOT, digital transformation/4.0 journey, & AI) & share everything I learn at |
Standards Overview Series, covering key topics on what you need to know [Securing Things by M. Yousuf Faisal]
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M. Yousuf Faisal.
Hello Securing Things Community,
This is Part-2 of a multi-part series on ISA/IEC 62443 standards overview - and will be expanding upon the 4 main groups and the series of documents, their purpose, security levels, expand IACS cybersecurity lifecycle phases, individual and product certifications.
In ISA/IEC 62443 Standards Overview?Series - Part 1, we covered, introduction & background about the standards series, basics around:
{Quick check - Part 1 included a tip to remember the 4 groups in the standards series with the help of a short phrase; see if you can recall, without giving a peep at Part 1. Did you? if not go ahead and click the Part 1 link above and checkout the code snippet like this for the tip...}. :-) hope that'll help you remember.
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Together with:
Table of Contents:
But first, let’s cover some basic definitions, which builds the foundation of understanding in later part of the series.
Important Terms, definitions and relationships
Definition & relationships between different OT terms per #62443:
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Thanks for reading - until next edition and or next quarterly update in 2025!
Wishing you all and your families a great 2025 ahead.
It’s a Great Day to Start Securing Things for a Smart & Safer Society.
Take care and Best Regards,