An Isaiah prophesy for Our Times
These are the things that Isaiah prophesied for that time period when the earth becomes the new holy Jerusalem, where God’s presence dwells. I believe we are entering those times.
Isaiah 60:1-3 NKJV
Arise,?shine; For your light has come! And?the glory of the?Lord?is risen upon you. 2?For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the?Lord?will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. 3?The?Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising.
I believe if we look closely at Isaiah 60, we will find that it is an outline of Gods plan for mankind, beginning after Jesus’ resurrection and continuing until His Kingdom has advanced and His light has dispelled all darkness and shines forth over all the earth. (Habakkuk 2:14 and Isaiah 11:9)
Many think this scripture is only speaking to the biblical nation of Israel but if we can understand that Israel was and is not just a nation, but a people who revere God and walk in His precepts, we can then understand that Israel is now all those who believe in Jesus, both Jew and gentile.
Then we are also able to see that Isaiah 60 is speaking into the future for all of Gods People for the rest of time.
In regard to this, we need to first and foremost understand that the Church did not replace Israel but rather the church is a continuation of the ecclesia of God, the believing remnant that passed over from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant.
Most of the Jews who lived under the Old Covenant turned away from God but there was always a remnant that believed God and remained true to Him. They always were God’s people and always remained true to him.
They were called the ecclesia, the called-out ones. When Jesus came and preached the kingdom to them, they saw in the spirit the reality of his message, because their spirit was sensitive to God. They recognized the truth, accepted Jesus as the Messiah and migrated into the New Covenant.
?This was the ecclesia, it was not known as, or labeled as, the church in the Old Testament but never the less, it was essentially the church during the Old Covenant period and remains so in the New Covenant.
They were never replaced but simply proceeded into a better Covenant. All the members of the ecclesia/church heard and obeyed the voice of God, gained understanding of his plan for mankind, and continued to grow and expand, no longer the remnant, but the rock that Daniel prophesied would expand until it became the mountain that covered the earth. We are a part of that rock and are still in that expanding process.? (Acts 2:41–47, Luke 21:20–22, Daniel 2:34–35)?
The key to understanding this is that while the Kingdom of God is growing and expanding, it is not going to be complete in our generation or in one or two generations but over a long period of time. The amount of time it takes is not conditional on a set date, but on the point in time when Christians finally pull back the veil and peer into the possibilities that God has for us, see clearly His plan and commit to doing our part in fulfilling it.
When we quit running and hiding from the enemy and begin to enforce the victory we have, when we realize that we are part of the victorious team and begin to declare the kingdom and will of God over our lives, home, our families, our nations, our towns, cities, even our workplace, things will change dramatically and the expansion/advancement of the Kingdom will take a tremendous leap forward and will advance rapidly toward completion, possibly being fulfilled within that generation.??
Romans 8:19–21 expresses this truth when Paul said the earth and all creation itself are groaning and waiting on us to mature in the faith and do what we are supposed to do.
We will truly arise and let our light shine because we will see into the depth and glory of Gods great light that comes to us when his glory will be seen upon us as a shining light in the darkness that Satan has generated over the earth and will introduce the entire world to this great knowledge.
Then all Christians will be completely filled with His light and it will shine out of us into the darkness, reaching others until the vast majority of people and all kingdoms will voluntarily become His. (1 Corinthians 15:24-25.)