Isaiah 59:16-19

Isaiah 59:16-19

The Hebrew expression in this verse from Isaiah is rich with meaning. The root "nus" (from the expression "raise up a standard") is related to or sounds like numerous words which mean "sign", "miracle", "to drive away", "to flee", "cause to disappear", "a waving flag". This abundance of meanings in Isaiah's poetic style reveals the multiple dimensions of God's revelation; in this case, the way he deals with evil. The assertion in this word is that the Spirit of God will be powerfully activated when evil comes. Whether the enemy comes in like a flood, and then the LORD raises a standard against him...or, the enemy comes in, and like a flood, the LORD works miraculously and drives him away, the clear meaning and promise is that the presence of evil will not go unnoticed. God will respond powerfully, in His own way, and in His own time. We've often spoken of the increase of wickedness in these last days; virtually every day some new scandal appears. Evil is on the rise; its power being consolidated in many areas of social, political, and personal life. Our identification with the one true God who raises His standard in response to this wickedness, calls us to be His "standard bearers" in the midst of the flood of evil around us. This is not easy, but is a high calling for faith-filled and disciplined saints. Brothers & Sisters, our challenge now, more than ever before, is, do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. We cannot bear Jesus' standard if we yield to become like the world around us. Only by abiding, praying, staying close to Him, can we represent our Lord. Let's continue to encourage one another...daily. BE A STANDARD BEARER!Guide Makombo's Devotions


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