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Does this sound too vaguely familiar?

1 - You set an alarm, it goes off at 4:30am, you hit the snooze button.

2 - You meet your gym instructor schedule a session, have clearly defined goals and you press the silence button, when he calls to remind you of the session.

3 - You commit to an AAA to get help with the 12 steps to recovery from alcohol and substance abuse.

4 - You have a vision for your company, decide you need to grow your sales and hire a VA agency but cant commit to pay $5-$8 an Hour and rather spend $30 on Hulu or eating take out.

Procrastination is a dream killer.

Here's what we know about the science of procrastination: it starts in the limbic system, which is also known, by many scientists, as the "lizard brain" or "reptilian brain."

This system is in charge of fight, flight, feeding, fear, freezing up, and fornication - the extent of a reptile's brain function.

The limbic system, which houses the amygdala, is much more powerful than we credit it to be.

This old part of the brain allows us to react to a threat immediately and automatically, without the rest of the brain processing information, thus gaining a split second that has allowed our survival for millions of years.

Today, in a world in which these threats are not exactly the order of the day (we have our predators pretty well-controlled, and we don’t live in such a hostile environment), this “survival instinct” keeps us down instead of helping us reach our goals and dreams.

You know what we're talking about, right? You’ve felt it many times, although you may not have a name for it.

Author Steven Pressfield describes it as "the resistance." The resistance is the voice in our head telling us to back off, be careful, go slow, compromise.

The resistance grows in strength as we get closer to a breakthrough, as we get closer to the truth of what we really want. That’s because lizards don't like change and achievement and risk.

Want to know why so many companies can’t keep up with Apple and Amazon? Because they compromise, have too many meetings, work to fit in with the latest trends, fear the critics, and generally work to appease the lizard.

The amygdala isn’t going away. Your lizard brain is here to stay, and your job is to figure out how to quiet it and ignore it.

Scientists believe the limbic system is older than any other part of the brain in evolutionary terms, playing a key role in survival adaptation.

This means your limbic system's only focus is what's happening to keep you safe and secure.

Hungry? Eat. Scared? Run. Anxious? Shut down. About to do something super challenging? Put it off.

The neocortex is the "newer" part of the human brain that deals with higher-order brain functions like cognition, spatial reasoning, language, and making decisions that affect your future can't take charge until the limbic system goes quiet and calm.

The things that seem too difficult to handle are the things we all put on the back burner. The countless things that at a higher level will pay off down the road.

You're not lazy. You don't lack willpower. And it's not that you don't have what it takes to rise to the top.

So if you're stuck in a rut, it's time to upgrade your mindset . . . and rewire the limbic system's "default setting" of putting things off for another day.

Ready to get on with your goals and dreams?

Have a great new week ahead


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