Isaac Asimov: A Family Immigrant Who Changed Science Fiction And The World
Isaac Asimov, one of the greatest science fiction writers of the 20th century, came to America as a family immigrant. In fact, he came as part of what some people, sometimes those not particularly in favor of immigrants, today call “chain migration.”
Isaac was born in 1920 in the Soviet Union. His father understood what life would be like for his family after the Bolshevik Revolution and decided America would be a better place to raise and educate his children. “In 1922, after my sister, Marcia, was born, my father decided to emigrate to the United States,” wrote Isaac Asimov in his autobiography It's been a good life. “My mother had a half brother living in New York who was willing to guarantee that we would not become a charge on the country.”
The Asimov family story is a familiar immigrant story. Isaac’s parents sacrificed for the good of their kids. “My father came to the United States in the hope of a better life for his children, and this he certainly achieved,” wrote Asimov. “He lived to see one son a successful writer, another son a successful journalist, and a daughter happily married. However, this was at great cost to himself.
Asimov explained his father’s fate: “In Russia, he was part of a reasonably prosperous merchant family, an educated man looked up to by those about him for his learning. In the United States, he found himself penniless . . . and virtually illiterate, for he could not read or even speak English. He turned his hand to any job he could get and after three years had saved enough money for a down payment on a small mom-and-pop candy store and our future was assured.”
The 12-year-old Isaac Asimov started out by writing stories and telling them to his friends. “I made up stories as I went along and it was a great deal like reading a book I hadn’t written. What would happen to the characters? . . . The excitement was all I wrote for in those early years. In my wildest dreams it never occurred to me that anything I wrote would ever be published.”
At age 18, he read the magazine Astounding Science Fiction and wrote a story of his own. Here is where having an immigrant father paid off. Asimov’s father stood up to Soviet bureaucrats after the revolution but didn’t really know the way things worked in American publishing. He convinced Asimov, a novice writer, to take the subway and submit the story in person to the magazine’s famous editor John Campbell.
It turned out Campbell was a gregarious man and didn’t mind talking to Asimov. In fact, he recognized the name from some letters the young Asimov had written to the magazine. “Many years later I asked Campbell why he had bothered with me at all . . . [he said] I saw something in you. You were eager and listened and I knew you wouldn’t quit no matter how many rejections I handed you. As long as you were willing to work hard at improving, I was willing to work with you.”
Writers everywhere should take heart in Asimov’s early career failures. His first 6 stories were rejected. But he kept writing and about 4 months later he sold a story. Then, sold two more, including one that broke him into John Campbell’s Astounding Science Fiction.
Asimov earned a B.S. and M.A. from Columbia University. He was denied admission his freshman year because of the notorious “Jewish quota” that limited the admission of Jews. From 1942 to 1945, he worked at the Naval Air Experimental Station in Philadelphia.
He continued to write while in school and earned a Ph.D. in chemistry from Columbia in 1948. By 1950, he became a professor at the Boston University School of Medicine.
Surprisingly, he did not publish his first novel, Pebble in the Sky, until 1950 at the age of 30. By 1969, he would publish his 100th book. By the end of his writing career he is credited with producing over 500 books, some of them anthologies of other writers he edited, but most were novels, non-fiction books and short story collections.
Asimov was a 20th century Renaissance man. He wrote books about Shakespeare, the Bible, American history, world history, the history of math, the history of chemistry and books on various branches of mathematics and science, including many books on astronomy. A normal person would need to study most of their life to write a book on even one of these topics.
In February 2018, when Elon Musk’s SpaceX launched a Tesla Roadster into space, it included a copy of the books that make up Asimov’s Foundation trilogy.
In Asimov’s science fiction writing, he is perhaps most well-known for his Three Laws of Robotics:
1: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2: A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.”
I, Robot, a short story collection published in 1950, is one of Asimov’s most famous works and is familiar to a modern audience through the movie of the same name that starred Will Smith.
He wrote several novels and short stories exploring the interaction between humanity and robots, stories that should receive renewed interest with the advent of artificial intelligence.
Asimov’s Foundation series of 7 novels introduced the concept of psychohistory, an attempt to predict the future using a combination of sociology and mathematics. He is also known for a novelization he wrote of the movie Fantastic Voyage.
Asimov married Gertrude Blugerman in 1942 and they had a son, David, and a daughter, Robin. After his divorce, he married Janet Jeppson, who he remained married to until his death. He wrote a series of Norby novels with Janet aimed at young people, and she helped carry on his legacy. In 1992, Asimov died of an HIV infection contracted during a blood transfusion.
Isaac Asimov’s legacy includes many books that readers enjoy for both their style and insights. He received numerous writing honors, including the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America “Grand Master” award.
Reflecting near the end of his life, Asimov displayed his humility, writing, “I want to give in so many ways, on so many levels, to so many recipients . . . and in so doing I find love and job and knowledge . . . It is the absolute truth that I have never written a book that didn’t teach me far more than it taught any reader.”
?? Rédactrice en Chef @Creativity and Innovation Network - ?? Social Media Manager ?? Sujets: FEMMES - DURABILITé - COMMUNICATION
11 个月Un véritable genie visionnaire !
?? Editor @Creativity and Innovation Network - ?? Social Media Manager ??LINKEDIN "Creative Content Creation" TOP VOICE !
11 个月I was a big fan. And still am. He was really a visionary and it is amazing to see that he addressed many of today's questions about artificial intelligence in his books 50 years ago.