Irritating Behaviors that Will Ruin Your Career
10 Irritating Behaviors that Will Ruin Your Career
Although talent, skill, education and experience are important. But treating other people with courtesy and respect is a key ingredient in long-term professional success, no one does anything worthwhile at his own.
Yet here’s how some people get that really, really wrong:
1. Thoughtlessly waste other peoples’ time.
When you’re late to a meeting or appointment, what you’re really going to prove is that your time is more important. When you wait until the POS man asks for your debit card, you are saying that you can’t care if others have to wait.
Every time you take more time to pay cash on counter while a long queue behind you, you are saying you live in your own world, no care for others time.
Is small, irritating things not big deal? NO. People who don’t care the small ways to inconvenience of others. It is obvious they will do same in major jobs.
How you treat people it does really matters, especially when you are a leader. Always treat the people around you have more important needs than yours and you will never go wrong. Definitely people will like you.
2. Ignore people outside their “level.”
There’s an older guy in a training session and understandably struggles to increase or enhance his knowledge. (Hats off to him, he is still trying.)
If no one talks to him. Or even seems to notice him. He is like invisible.
Why? He doesn’t fit in the environment.
Sometimes we all do it same. When we visit a party or meeting we talk to the people we are supposed to discuss with them. When we attend a general event like annual dinner or department gathering, we talk to the people we’re supposed to talk to them.
Here is an easy thumb rule: whenever you make eye contact to anyone. Give smile or say hi. Just act like people exist.
Other people will automatically like you for it, and will remember you as someone who engages with them even there was nothing interest for you.
3. Ask for favor too much.
A person you don’t know, asks you for a favor. You decline his request softly. He asks again. You politely decline his request again. Then he starts using the Need Card, that really important for me and really need it. You must have to entertain his request.
Maybe we do, maybe he really need of it. But our needs are our problems. We aren’t entitled to advice or mentoring. We are only entitled to is what we earn.
People tend to help people who first help themselves. People tend to help people who first help them. And if you often put your needs to others for favor, people will start avoiding you.
People definitely befriend people who care for other people first, because we all want more of those people in our lives.
4. Ignore people in genuine needs.
Sometimes, some people are really needy and not in a position to help themselves. They will be a need of a few amount or some decent food or clothing.
I believe that good things always come to you in the form of feeling good about yourself.
And that’s reason enough to help people who find themselves on the downside of advantage.
5. They ask a question so they can talk.
A man at lunch asks, “Hi, do you think social-media is effective for today’s marketing?”
“Yes,” you answer, “I think social media marketing can be more effective under the right circumstances”
“Wrong,” he interrupts promptly. “I have never experience a good return on investment. And not experience a significant in direct sales. Don’t try to insisit in your opinions under wrong pretenses. Only ask a question if you really want to know the answer or knowledge is required. And you will speak again to ask a follow-up question that will really help you for better understanding about the other person’s point of view.
People like people who are really interested in other people, not in themselves.
6. They pull a, “Do you know who I am?”
Many people try in many ways to show other “How important we are”? And try to get respect and honor they deserved, according their own thoughts.
People always like you better if you don’t act like you know you’re somebody or that you think it entitles you to different treatment. So try always be act like a common man, and never expect some extra or special respect for you.
7. Don’t know when to dial it back.
Having an unusual personality is a lot of fun. Especially when thing going to be tough or a situation gets stressful, some people can’t stop expressing their individuality.
People know you have funny quirky personality. We know you march to the beat of your own drum. Still, there’s a time to play and a time to be serious, a time to be irreverent and a time to conform, a time to challenge and a time to back off.
Knowing when the situation requires you to stop justifying your words or actions with an unspoken, There is a clear difference between being likeable and being an ass.
8. They mistake self-deprecation for permission.
You know how it’s OK when you make fun of certain things about yourself but not for other people to make fun of you for those same things? It’s OK when you poke a little gentle fun at yourself, but the last thing you want to hear are bald or money or, “Do you want fries with that?” jokes. Sometimes self-deprecation is genuine, but often it is a mask for insecurity. Never assume a person who makes fun of himself is giving you permission to poke the same fun at him.
Only tease when you know it will be taken in the right spirit. Otherwise, if you feel the need to be funny, make fun of yourself.
9. They push their opinions.
If you knows more about things. It is cool and Great.
Awesome. But only share your knowledge in the right way. If you are a mentor, share away. If you’re a coach or a leader, you can share away. If you’re the guy who just started a new career, so please avoid to share your knowledge and to order unless anyone ask you.
Things which can be right for you may not be suitable for others. what you think is right it might not even turn out to be right for you. So avoid to push your openion on to others, it maybe not right. Try to listen more from others.
Like most things in life, offering helpful advice is so important, just like winning friends, influencing people, and building an awesome career.
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