Irritable Opportunities
Do you have stuff that regularly pisses you off?? Like the clueless person looking at their phone when the light turns green?? Or maybe, the a**hole who tries to cut in line on the freeway exit during rush hour.? Or the know-it-all who does not think climate change is a thing because they have done their research on YouTube?? Oh man, ever feel like you could go on and on with the list?
Well, let me suggest something instead.? Make your long list, then pick your top five.? Now your top five tend to cue you to be pissed off.? Instead, use the event as a cue to practice patience.? First, pause and take a breath.? Relax any tension in your muscles.? Second, have a feeling of compassion toward the situation.? Have a thought like, “I feel bad for that person.? They suffer with being an a**hole.”? Or “I feel bad for that person because they suffer from ignorance and not knowing what they don’t know.? ?Or “It must be hard for that person going through the day without situational awareness.”? Finally, instead of dropping an F-bomb, smile at the situation.? It is easy to smile when relaxed and feeling compassion.? It is hard to smile when tense, pissed, and having a lot of critical thoughts.?
It will take some practice.? But remember, we get good at what we practice.? If you often practice being pissed off, you will get good at it.? If you instead practice patience, you will get good at that.? So, pay attention to your practice and have a great rest of the day.?