An Irresistible Brand Starts With the Founder
An irresistible brand starts with the founder. It starts with a burning ambition, an obsession, a desire, a belief - a purpose that’s beyond making money. Something that gets you out of bed in the morning. If you didn’t get paid for it, you’d probably do it anyway.
Amateur track runner Phil Knight and sports coach Bill Bowerman founded Nike in 1964, and they had a shared belief. They were both obsessed with the connection between speed and design.
Phil Knight said that “Belief is irresistible.”
He believed their shoes were better to run in. And People, sensing his belief, wanted some of that belief for themselves.
College dropouts Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple Computers, Inc. in 1976, they had a passion for their work and a shared vision of changing the way people viewed computers.
Jobs was a great believer in only doing work that you love. It was his view that “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
When I created Robot Mascot in 2013, it was based on my desire to champion the bold, the brave and the different. To stamp out poor communication, so ideas and innovation can flourish. My business started out as a design agency but has now grown and developed to become the UK’s leading investment pitch agency, the desire, ambition, and intent, however, remains the same.
Burning ambitions like these motor the brand, and like a motor, it’s crucial to get this in place early. The shape and size of the business may change and vary over time but this part of it should stay firmly in place.