Irrellevant? Of all Leaders 64% make themselves more or less Irrelevant!
Siegfried Andersen
Inspire and evolve tomorrow's leaders as a tribute to life and joy.
Suppose you feel that You have no choice about what the company does to you. But what you make out of it is entirely yours – Take the Lead!
Don’t think of a promotion or the subsequent salary increase. Take the Lead to make yourself relevant to the future of your company. And everything will move your way. Look up projects with unexpected challenges that haven’t found their solution yet.
Making yourself relevant to the future means that you “Take the Lead” because the time for solving them is NOW! You probably get fired!
Yes! In my time, I got fired four times and rehired three by the same CEO, a Giant of Grindsted Products, Mr. Carl Wrang. He was demanding (honor be his memory) a CEO looking for Talents. And when he found them, he sharpened their consciousness. Big fun, at least for me!
Take the Lead >>> Leadership Wisdom for Life.
Make Yourself Relevant. 2021 - 3rd Master Class November 4th, from 08:00 to 11:00 CET. Take the Lead and sign up at Or call +45 4042 9017.