Anthony Markland
I write about Fatherhood, Growth. Building relationships, and the everyday wonder and struggle of working to be the man of your family's dreams.
THE FATHERHOOD EXPERIMENT: A Newsletter for fathers
This week is about irrational thoughts and beliefs
Irrational beliefs can build or destroy families.
Do whatever it takes to keep your relationships solid without emotionally becoming a rock. Throwing your kids off because you want to get away and you want them to... Knock off the stupid shit that makes life stink. Everywhere they go, marking territories with lies and problems they blame on everyone else to solve them.
People wonder how a father can give advice to never have kids.
If that’s the only thing you get from our conversations, you already had doubts and just wanted someone, anyone to confirm your belief.
Fatherhood requires a selfishness everyone won't understand and ain't built for- because the self-less-ness it comes with feels like a whore's trap. A-lot of days you feel fucked and stuck, picking up the peace after your family keeps giving it up.
When your son makes you so mad you feel like it would be easier to punch him, hurt him, to do anything except console him, but you decided to be the exception and never make an enemy out of family especially your children. So, you hug him, show him you love him, care about him and more importantly respect him, because with all the loss in life you never want him to lose trust in your relationship.
It's hard being a parent because children believe they are better adults than those raising them. They try hard to break rules and put less effort into repairing damage. That attitude invests more means to an end and gives thoughts of abandon.
Sometimes You need to show them you are as foolish as they believe. Show them their behavior causes grief and nerves to break. They should see the beginnings of how the bad break down. Throw away all their toys and prized belongings-so they know the consequences of remaining broke, while pretending to be sorry. Mostly- they need to know you aint playing around.
The thought of burying them alive so they can be safe from the harm they cause seems like a great idea. Maybe they will find peace and come out less crazy and chaotic. Scared straight was never the plan, neither was turning on the hands providing what they haven't and at their age can’t.
Exhaust yourself to give them everything they want. It’s the version of love you were hooked on from the moment you went raw. Then remember, spoiled kids are worse than chlamydia.
Wish for them to have kids so they can experience the suffering they cause. Also wish for them not to because you think that revenge will fall back on you -and- spoiled grandchildren are as Naughty By Nature would say "are the craziest." Plus, not being able to have kids can feel like Gods got something against you.
The exhaustion of thinking ahead to protect your children is the reason you are bald. But they think it’s because you’re old.
When your kids start thinking drugs and alcohol might be cool. Teach them that aging healthy is the drug that never gets old. That’s what they really want anyway-to escape youth, without being too old to seem or have fun.
Sit’em down and let’em have that taste.
Everyone needs to know the feeling of a life wasted. They already think they know the pool of despair- full of worries and cares for nothing that will matter after their trends end.
Life without health feels like addiction. And I don’t care what drugs are legal, no parent or child wants to care for a user and abuser.
Kick the habit of being nice.
If you’re mean, you will war, and rage against paid rent and happiness, because tension allows hate in the building. Similar to everyone choosing to remain ignorant, children think being nice makes you a fool, while they follow the trend of being taken advantage of to seem cool.
Thats why children need tough love. Show them you care, but you ain't carefree.
Be careful enough to discipline them and your own bias so you can get the best out of life while living.
Dad joke
What does a robot do after a one-night stand?
He nuts and bolts.
Music I’m Enjoying
Song: Commission by SHYNE
Book’s I’m Studying (The Holy Ones)
Movie I Recommend
Life of Pi
To all the Fathers wondering "HOW THE FUCK DO I DO THIS?"
My advice is Just Don't Pull Out!