SAP IRPA - Intelligent Robotic Process Automation.
Tools like RPA (Robotic Process Automation), are about automating manual tasks of repetitive processes, which are specific, with high volume. It's a robot indeed!
BPMS (Business Process Management System) are a set of tools that allow the mapping, modeling, execution and monitoring of business processes.
While RPA tools focus on a specific point in a broader process, BPMS focuses on the process as a whole, including several tasks across many and between different departments.
But after all, when to use one solution or another?
BPMS works with processes in a broad way, allows you to document the flows and steps of critical business processes, provides insights to managers, notifies about pending actions and/or successfully completed steps. In other way, RPA tool automatically performs tasks without large complexities, without too much business intelligence.
Not clear yet? Okay let's look it in a different way, using a process as example.
Let's imagine a scenario of business processes, such as billing! When we look at this process as a whole, we verify that exists the customer's registration tasks, their orders, the delivery and the billing itself, for this scenario, we can consider the BPMS solution, that will show all stages of this process, the departments involved, who are the owners and to develop the automation using different systems, as well the monitoring cockpit of its steps. However, within this process there are minor, repetitive, manual and high-volume tasks, such as, populating a system from a spreadsheet or even exporting data from a system to a spreadsheet, so in this case it is recommended to use an RPA tool.
So, we can consider that the solutions are not competitors, but complementary.
CIDIC has specialists, business analysts, process analysts, method and practical experience in projects of this nature. Contact.