Mike Beverly
Holistic Health Specialist | Wellness Educator | Natural Health Guide Published Author | Podcaster | Speaker
Muscle tissue stress may be the single greatest challenge the body faces in an Ironman triathlon. Vast numbers of muscle cells are disrupted, damaged and deconstructed along the way. The main cause of muscle damage is mechanical stress, which is caused primarily by eccentric (pronounced ee-centric) muscle contractions.
Blood gushes through veins and arteries like traffic through night highways in a time-lapse video. Within muscle cells, glucose and triglyceride molecules are tossed into the fiery furnace of mitochondria at a breakneck pace, as though someone has put a DVD of the process at rest on 4x fast forward.
Oxygen radicals punch holes in muscle cell membranes, causing a general deterioration that calls to mind those computer animations that show a person aging 20 years in 10 seconds. The changes the body undergoes in 12 hours of extreme exertion are similar to some of those that occur in the body over the course of two decades of non-exertion, as a result of normal aging. Fortunately, though, those years are restored to you within a few weeks. Then it’s time to start thinking about tickling the reaper again.
During the transfer of electrons in the mitochondria, the process of energy transfer in the cells throw off reductants and oxidants and the short name for that energy transfer is Redox. During the decade of the 90's it was discovered that these Redox molecules actually signal genes to repair and replace damaged cells. Including ones damaged during extreme athletic exertion.
A technology exists today and has proven to have amazing effects on metabolites and overall performance with athletes in all sports especially Tri-Athletes. Many successful tri-athletes are finding with some specialized products using Redox Signaling Technology their endurance is better and their recovery time is extremely shorter. Please ring my bell on my profile to receive my content consistently. If you'd like to know more about Redox signaling and hear from some World Champion Ironman tri-Athletes who use it, schedule a brief call or zoom at?