Iron carbon Phase Diagram 2
Karthick Baskarasethupathi
Assistant Professor at SNS College of Technology
All iron-carbon alloys (steels and cast irons) experience eutectoid transformation at 1333 oF (723oC). The eutectoid concentration of carbon i
0.83%. When the temperature of an alloy reaches 1333 oF (733oC), austenite
transforms to pearlite (fine ferrite-cementite structure, forming as a result of decomposition of austenite at slow cooling conditions).
Hypoeutectoid steels (carbon content from 0 to 0.83%) consist of primary (proeutectoid) ferrite (according to the curve A3) and pearlite. Eutectoid steel (carbon content 0.83%) entirely consists of pearlite.
Hypereutectoid steels (carbon content from 0.83 to 2.06%) consist of primary (proeutectoid)cementite (according to the curve ACM) and pearlite.
Cast irons (carbon content from 2.06% to 4.3%) consist of proeutectoid
cementite C2 ejected from austenite according to the curve ACM ,
pearlite and transformed ledeburite (ledeburite in which austenite
transformed to pearlite).s