I was watching parliament on RTE last night. The theme for debate was a “Statement by the Minister for Agriculture on the Corona virus". It would seem that all that matters in the world right now is the Corona virus. The occasion brought to mind the quip delivered many years ago by the then Premier. When asked what was going on in the Chamber, the Premier replied clearly referring to the Soldiers of Destiny “They’re all dying for Ireland, as usual!”. Last night everybody was dying of the Corona virus with the complicating factor that the extent and level of the mortality had to be expressed in terms of the price of cattle – especially in terms of the support price which the Commission was prepared to pay for every animal lost. In theory, Minister Creed, the Minister for Agriculture should have been the star of the show. He was there, looking very ministerial in a spanking brand new suit, dapper, urbane, but, as proceedings were to show, not for the first time, absolutely useless. Creed takes his instructions from the Commission. He has effectively lost his soul to and in South America. Deputy Denis, the Minister who lost office because he bought a Big Mac for the child of a lobbyist on his birthday, has not given up the ghost. He may or may not return to Government someday, but he tortured and harassed Minister Creed mercilessly by comparing EU and US price supports to farmers. It was hard to credit it but the much despised Trump administration offered thousands of dollars to individual American farmers while the Commission was prepared to offer each injured Irish farmer only eighth euros. The grim reality which Creed could not bring himself to admit was that all the Commission’s money was committed to subsidising the sale of expensive German luxury cars to South America. You had to have a certain amount of sympathy for Creed. He was in theory an independent national agricultural minister serving the people and the farming community of a sovereign State. But he knew, and everybody else knew that his ministry and his status depended on Premier Leo, who takes his orders direct from Paris and Berlin. Should Creed stand up to Leo or contradict his plans and his schemes in any way, his ministry would not even be worth a Big Mac, much less the smallest portion of French fries. Creed is the prisoner of the abortionist monster which Fine Gael have elected as their leader. Discussions about the Corona virus often centre on “the herd mentality”. The sad reality is that Fine Gael have the numbers in their herd to remove Premier Leo, but none has the nerve or the courage to challenge him or to put their heads upon the block. And why would they? Why should they? “What God help them could they save?” Fine Gael, like others, had once belonged to a fine Parliament, based on a model and effective Constitution, which gave primacy to the right to Life and the Rule of Law. But all that has changed. As the cameras scanned the near empty chamber, it became apparent that most of the Soldiers of Destiny and the ever more numerous terrorists had taken the afternoon off. But that was the crux of the problem, there were now many fewer real democrats and genuine parliamentarians than out and out active terrorists in Parliament. Premier Leo and Michael Martin, who were united in a deadly and unconstitutional pact to kill the unborn, were seeking to acquire and divide all the spoils of office. Lack of principle and the accidents of parliamentary arithmetic made it almost certain that, in due course, they would involve the terrorists in government or make major unlawful, criminal and unconstitutional concessions to the terrorists in return for their support. But this analysis, while accurate, by no means tells the whole story. Terrorism, of whatever kind is a deadly and repulsive phenomenon, but terrorism is by no means an exclusively domestic plague or manifestation. And terrorism, in collusion and collaboration with certain deadly and exceptionally virulent diseases such as Fascism and Nazism (diseases infinitely more deadly and lethal than any Corona virus) is so lethal that it can ambition to bring down and destroy democracy and democratic government in any State. Already the Irish Parliament has been reduced to the status of a very expensive “Drones Club”. The Club in question was a very amusing invention and creation of PG Wodehouse. The fictitious Club was frequented and peopled by the wasteful young aristocrats who had exceedingly large amounts of money to spend in England between the two World Wars. The stories emanating from the Drones Club enjoyed great popularity, largely because Wodehouse was a great stylist of the English language and because there didn’t seem to be anything very threatening or dangerous in what the slightly idiotic members of the Club were doing. The problem was that PG Wodehouse wasn’t even a Fascist, he was an out and out Nazi, a supporter of Oswald Mosley and a confidante of the Mitford sisters, whose weddings Adolf Hitler attended as the guest of honour. Wodehouse and his Drones Club may have been amusing, but when it came to the crunch Wodehouse carried out broadcasts in support of the Third Reich at the instigation of Joseph Goebbels. What is often forgotten – and we are seeing a repetition of this phenomenon today – is that Winston Churchill had to wage a titanic struggle, virtually spelling the death of his political career, to defeat appeasement, not just Chamberlain's ridiculous pacifism so cruelly exposed and exploited by Hitler at Munich, but the equally insidious defeatism of British Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax who favoured negotiating a separate peace with Hitler even after Germany’s brutal invasion and rape of Poland. The British strategy – then as now – was to look to the United States for support. But this was made much more difficult for Churchill because Franklin Roosevelt's United States was profoundly in the grip of isolationism. But the Prime Minister's efforts to raise American support for Britain were rendered even more difficult because the American Ambassador to Britain, Ambassador Jo Kennedy, the father of the late President, was for all practical purposes himself a Nazi. And Ambassador Kennedy regularly reported to Washington that Britain was certain to lose any war it might choose to wage against Germany and the Nazis. Should the possibility of a conflict between Britain and Germany (and who knows perhaps even Russia, Turkey, Iran, China and their satellite States) arise again at any time in the near or distant future, the alliance between Britain and the United States will once more as ever be key. Whatever the pundits may say, Britain is still a very considerable military power, while the United States of America is without any doubt and incomparably the greatest military power in the world. The two parties to the Special Relationship will receive the firm support of Israel and will come to the aid of the Jewish State in the event of any threat directed against its territory, interests and, most of all, against the continued existence of the Jewish people. An existential threat against Israel might come in almost any shape or form. But a renewal or a resumption of the Holocaust, whether through the launch of a nuclear missile from Iran or elsewhere, whether by conventional, chemical or biological warfare, or through a particularly grizzly scenario through the recourse to the renewed use of gas chambers, concentration camps and wholesale widespread genocidal abortions, infanticide and child murder. Once upon a time, it would have been safe to say that none of these methods would appeal to Irish instincts, to Irish natures and to Irish minds. But then, you would have said that, once upon a time in pre-Premier Leo days, that barbaric unrestricted abortion the very hallmark of the most brutal and most savage Nazism would have been totally alien and foreign not just to Ireland, but to the soul, heart and spirit of the Irish people, a people who for so long had prided themselves upon and rejoiced in their love of babies and small children. It is a sad fact that Ireland, which for so long attached great importance to its relationship with Israel and the Jewish people, which was so interested in the history of Jesus, the Messiah, the only-begotten son of the living God, the anointed King of Israel, has fallen out of sympathy and empathy with Judaism and the Jewish State. Ireland, now more than any other State in the European Union, supports the Palestinian Liberation Organisation and other even more sinister non-State actors. Given the extremely unsavoury role which homosexual brutality, excesses and abortion played in the history of the Third Reich, it is safe to assume that the terrible impression which Premier Leo has already created in Washington, London and Jerusalem will not be dispelled or set aside just by the Indian Premier presenting a bowl of shamrock to President Trump at the White House on Saint Patrick’s Day accompanied by some male companion or other of his choice. .
International Relations Consultant
4 年Minister for Agriculture used to be one of, if not the most important position in the Irish Government. This correctly reflected the genuine primordial importance which agriculture plays in the Irish economy and which Irish farmers and their families play in the Irish community and in Irish life, The position of Minister for Agriculture has being held in its time by some of the true giants of Irish politics, including James Dillon, Charles J and Neil Blaney. It is hard, in fact inconceivable, to think of any of these men accepting the treatment which Premier Leo hands out to Minister Creed, much less the total contempt in which he holds him. Indeed, these brilliant men were all motivated and driven by Yeats' words about Parnell "Whatever good a farmer's got, he brought it all to pass". None of them would ever have served under a Premier, such as Premier Leo, who holds farmers, their families, their interests and their livelihoods, all of which the Constitution and the Law require him to protect and vigorously to defend, in such complete disdain, and whom he constantly chooses to treat with abject contempt!