Irish Blessing
Thank goodness the wind finally died down, so about all we had to deal with were temps hovering in the lower 30's most of the day, but at least on the bright side, the sun was with us.
My early morning was spent tending to personal spiritual needs, and shortly after I was finished, I headed to my computer and did a good deal of reading along with a little fact checking. What has me the most concerned, is all this saber-rattling towards other countries combined with harsh threats coming out of the White House which is making me worry there'll be some of those countries who're going to start coming up with their own ultimatums for the United States.
I happened upon two short videos today which mirrored some of my words these past several evenings, and you can be sure I'd not done any online reading about those things, but rather their being a by-product of my own critical forward thinking, so if you're interested in watching them, here are the links:
Since I hadn't played over at First Presbyterian Church in weeks, I thought it best to get over there a good forty-five minutes early, just so I'd get myself re-acquainted with their organ.
When I arrived, there were several people in the nave quietly praying, so I made sure to have the organ set as quiet as possible, just so I could run thru those eleven pieces of music. Thank goodness I did arrive early because I found myself a bit rusty in the beginning, and especially when playing the pedals. Not to worry, by the time their Service started, I was back up to speed.
I did mention to their pastor beforehand, that since tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day, for their postlude, I would be playing a version of 'Irish Blessing' which I learned some years ago.
All in all, it ended up being a better than expected session for me, which prompted me to not only play 'Irish Blessing' as their postlude, but also sing to its accompaniment. Oh my gosh! When I finished, I looked down and there stood a group of people clapping, and while I was walking out, several of their members thanked me for doing a good job this morning. Well, I guess all that worrying on my part, was blown out of proportion. I sure hope there'll soon be all the more people discovering that 'spiritual gem' of a church that's only a short drive away. Yes, each and every time I'm there, there's a great feeling of reverence that comes over me.
The remainder of my afternoon, was spent finishing up on yesterday's project, and then over to my long-term, just to be back in the swing of getting that completed. Because of the extra physical exertion today, I'll likely have a few aches and pains while rolling out of bed tomorrow morning.
Because tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day, I went on YouTube and found the version of the 'Irish Blessing' I played and sang this morning, so if you have time, listen to it, and all the while, think of me personally giving you my Irish blessing. Here you are:
Tonight's One-liner is: The harvest of old age is the recollection and abundance of blessings previously secured.
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