Ireland's current referendum
Dr Maria Harriet Stack
Highly Qualified Medical Doctor / Executive Director and Producer Human Rights Media TV/ Music Production
Ireland's current referendum
RTE have been contacting me here (Edel McAllister from This week in Politics)in the United Kingdom in recent days to set the record straight with regard to the current referendum in Ireland as I was Vice President of Fine Gael during the controversy...I was a young medical student at the time in UCG....and what immediately strikes me is this amendment should not have been inserted in the first place if the Fine Gael Grandees at the time had not desended upon me with a ton of bricks ..I had a very honest frank conversation about the need for compassion on a number of social justice issues in Ireland with the Sunday Independent Journalist Mairtin MacCormaic in a South Dublin Cafe at that time...these were my privately held views only and I did not put anything in writing or campaign on these views for my election to Vice President of the Fine Gael party....the ironic thing now at the cost of millions of euros to Irish Tax payers Fine Gael are now campaigning to repeal this...they should first admit to causing this debacle in the first place...and the Irish Taoiseach must now apologise to me personally and to the Irish people for what now has turned out to be a very costly mistake by Senior FG Grandees when I was Vice President of the Fine Gael party in Ireland all those years ago...
?Dr Maria Harriet Stack
Hampshire and Surrey against Chronic Pain
LinkedIn International College of Physicians,Surgeons,Barristers,Solicitors and Journalists 12,850+C